Revi Charger is a creative form factor. The Revi power station is a cordless device which will accommodate either USB or microUSB sockets. The Revi was designed to be sleak and stylish charging unit and is available in 550mAh capacity or 1440 mAh capacity. Retailing for $25 and $35 respectively “Since we are already funded, […]
Burning CDs is slow and impractical when at a clients site. In addition, who wants to leave behind their 16GB flash drive with a mix of personal and professional information? With that said, we designed a small pack of drives we could tear and use when needed. Since we travel and present files to clients […]
Several years ago the concept of a 2GB luggage tag would be out of the questions. A 2GB drive was about $15 and for that reason, most everyone would consider it too expensive. Today however, with a 2GB flash drive less than $5.00 it makes plenty of sense to use a flash drive to store […]
The up coming Green Lantern movie is one of the most anticipated summer movies of the year. My wife would say it’s because of Ryan Reynolds, I’d say because the Corp’s kick a$$. Either way, the movie is not due out for another 30 days. However, you can get a quick fix with these Mimobot […]
Nest is a contemporary looking storage slash stand for Apple products. The Nest is a device-stand small enough to prop up your iPhone and sturdy enough to hold up your iPad [via the back door sliding tray]. Very clever indeed. It would be great to see their creative genius make up a solution for multi […]
The AirStash, in one word, Amazing. This device solves all the problems of lack of storage with Apple products. With the AirStash you can now budget down to purchase the cheapest iPad or iPhone because the AirStash gives you the extra storage you need. The AirStash, in simple terms, is a wireless storage dongle you […]
They say the best product to invent is taking an existing product and make it better. Today is a case in point. The paper clip has been around forever [1870] and just recently have we seen a true improvement. The USB paper clip is very creative and a fresh twist on an old product. In […]
Here at we love the USB steampunk drive. We’ve reported on at least a dozen of them over the past couple years and I’m sure we’ve missed three times that many. Today we are tipping you off to a great tutorial on how to USB steampunk your own flash drive. Instructables has a very […]
During the month of July Instructables is running a USB contest for who can make the best mod while incorporating USB technology. For this reason, we’ve been keeping a close eye on what you creative folks are up to. Today we bring you the 100% natural, all wood, USB marble machine. I will admit the […]
There is nothing more satisfying for a finger work-out then using a laboriously slow old school typewriter. Or on those cloudy days where you feel a bit melancholy and in the mood to write the start of a novel you’ll never finish, you may need to punch down on those exhausting keys of a manual […]
I have been a fan of USB Steampunk products for a long time. I’ve even thought about running a Steampunk contest for the most creative, but never gotten around to it. Today, I’ve come across another great creation which is 100% hand made. The construction is similar to other Steampunk products we’ve seen, made of […]
Global USB Flash Drives Market to Reach 568.98 Million Units by 2015, According to New Report by Global Industry Analysts, Inc. GIA announces the release of a comprehensive global report on USB Flash Drives. The world market for USB Flash Drives, by volume sales is projected to reach 568.98 million units by 2015. The market […]