
WWWorks USB Steampunk Drive – New Kid On The Block

If you’ve been to this site before, you know we are a fan of USB Steampunk.  We just received word there is a new kid on the block who’s doing some cool USB steampunk. This design is coined “Steampunk Scorpion USB.”

USB steampunk Scorpion

WWWorks is the profile name over at Etsy and he’s done some nice work on his first release.  What I like about the style of this design is the lack of gears you so commonly see with USB steampunk.  Rather, WWWorks put some detail into the design on the brass. So here is a bit of detail about WWWorks.  Based in Budapest Hungary WWWorks is a computer IT guy by day and a craftsman by night.  Trying to break away from the copy-n-paste of the digital world, he settled into USB steampunk after trying clay models and scale modeling of smaller items.

USB steampunk Scorpion

The first version of this drive took nearly 4 weeks to design which included stages of etching, patina layering and component construction.  Now the prototype is done, this drive is made in about 3-5 days and sells for $160USD for a 4GB version. The Scorpion drive is very rustic looking with the LED positioned just between the Scorpion pincers.  The LED goes active when the drive is in use.  The Scropion etch is 100% hand crafted on a copper sheet, then placed on to the brass tube which makes up the body.

USB Scorpion

Pay the guy a visit and welcome him to the world of USB steampunk.  He also dropped word that several new designs are about to break.  I’m sure you’ll find those designs here first, at Etsy product page.

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Rich Gates

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