iPod Charger Made from Altoids Tin
There is definitely an Altoids DIY underground. I bumped into an article on how to make an iPod charger from an Altoids Tin yesterday at Chris DiClerico’s website. After doing a little research I see there is a big following for Altoids Tin do-it-yourself projects. So, to service my reader group, herezzz the how to:
- Soldering tool & some sort of Dremel to cut tin
- 9V connectors (PP3 snap connectors)
- Altoids Tin
- Firewire connector (socket)
- Batteries & electrical tape
- **all can obtained from RadioShack or similar

Note: You need to soldier the black ground of the two AA battery pack to the red power of the two 9V batteries. Study the diagram and picture (below) again if you’re unsure.It was suggested to get the “vertical 6 pin Firewire receptacle through-hole type” for that model was more sleek and easier to install into the Altoids Tin.


Rich Gates
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