Imation Disc Stakka Management Tool
The Imation Disc Stakka is a management tool for keeping those messy CDs organized and accessible. Granted your music is probably on your iPod and if it isn’t then you should contact a CD Ripper Service…but even with all your music on that MP3 player you can still find a use for the Disc Stakka.“So when you’re looking for a particular CD or movie, you simply browse your discs as you would any file in your computer, and the OpdiTracker software delivers the right disc in seconds. It’s as simple and convenient and searching for a file in your computer’s hard rive. Once you locate the disc, simply have it ejected so you can insert it into your computer, CD or DVD player, or gaming console.”Never waste valuable time searching for discs again. The Imation Disc Stakka is an automated carousel that stores, protects and retrieves all of your 12 cm optical discs and best of all the Imation Disc Stakka is only $90ish from Amazon.
Tags: carousel, disc stakka, imation
Rich Gates
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