80 Port USB Power Overload
At first glance we became very excited about this 80 port USB board, we thought it was a huge USB hub. Then we read the details and realized it’s just an 80 port USB power source. And we say “just” with all the enthusiasm that word can carry. Wicked awesome from our point of view.

We’ve done the math and have still come up short on the exact NEED for the 80 port USB power board, but never-the-less, it makes you smile. Kinda like the iPad [even without USB support].
Our calculations seem to bring us back to quality control, that is the only legitimate reason why this board would be of “true” value.
Thanko is offering the USB power board for $165.

I have two questions, please answer on Facebook: 1) do you need this? 2) what is a legit use for this other than QC testing for some USB gadget?
Source: Geek.com.
Tags: 80 port usb