Wireless USB Dock Station For Laptops
Warpia is a wireless docking station for your laptop to easily connect your keyboard, mouse, monitor and just about anything else without using cables. Using just a wireless USB dongle to your laptop it will then connect with the base dock station where you’ve connected the keyboard & mouse dongle, the monitor, hard drive and other peripherals. The wireless connection of the Warpia supports resolution up to 1400 x 1050, 32-bit True Color Depth. The dock station includes the following ports to support your peripherals – DVI connection, two USB ports and a 3.5mm audio jack. The wireless USB dock station does support Mac and Windows operating systems and after a quick scan of some blogs/forums we cannot conclude if the Warpia supports Linux. We found the Warpia as low as $140 here.Tags: warpia, wireless usb
Rich Gates
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