
Some Adult USB Gear For the Shady Folks

There is a good percentage of folks out there who probably store their adult content on encrypted flash drive.  They store it this way so their co-workers, wives or girlfriends don’t stumble upon the adult content they are so quietly trying to keep hidden.  However, for those a bit more bold, we bring you two USB  drives which are a bit funny and symbolically, and ideal way to store your p0rn. First up are the GigaBoobs.  Just as you guessed it’s a USB drive in the shape of boobs. The next up is the USB condom.  Yes, I think it’s stupid too, and probably not even real, just a photoshop job with the USB connector sticking out of the condom wrapper.  But it’s a good laugh, don’t ya think? The gigaboobs are available for purchase.

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Rich Gates

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