Solar Rechargeable Wireless Optical Mouse
The four adjective computer USB mouse does exactly as what the name describes. I’m also a big fan to see computer products taking the step towards solar power rather then other means. Why not, the sun is always out [oh wait, I’m in SoCal] Sure the hand will cover the solar panel, but there is plenty of time you’re hand is not covering the solar cells for recharging.
Rich Gates
Administator for started in 2004 with the concept of providing USB information for everything USB related. At the time, USB was gaining momentum and every day new products, articles and news became published. Today, the site is focused on bringing technical information, tricks and hacks to USB related products. The site does publish off topic information as well, to keep the variety up. Please visit the footer area of any page if you or your company is interested in article or product placement via purchased advertising.