We don’t know “Slim Jim” but if he’s out there Jim would digg the MP3 credit card sized player. It’s basically a credit card USB drive, but with additional earphone jack for MP3 listening, and the Brando flash card also appears as Mass Storage Device for data and video storage. If you’re half-baked we’re not […]
The Freecom USBcard has been around since 2003, but the design, look and capacity have clearly changed over the years. The fold out USB connector is crafty at best, but including the credit card housing for no apparent reason is rediculous. If size matters, get a OCZ Roadster or Wallet Flash…or…I hate to say it, […]
Apple unveiled its new line of iPods yesterday including a model with an iPhone-like touchscreen interface and Zune-like WiFi access. The “iPod Touch” sports a 3.5-inch widescreen and a Safari browser, creating a mobile YouTube delivery device that essentially replicates the iPhone browsing experience for non-AT&T subscribers. It’s going to run $299 for an 8 […]
Though it is not official, those in the “know” say Apple is just hours away from announcing a new Wi-Fi enabled iPod designed to receive digital radio along with an option to buy content from the iTunes Store. It is not known whether the same functions will be included in the iPhone. Other rumors about […]
Technology can be a love / hate relationship. A couple days ago Brando released a product which I think is just brilliant…the company badge holder that doubles as a card reader. For those working the corporate gig and require an ID badge, I would think this card reader fits the bill perfectly. What better way […]
On more occasions that I’d like to admit, Windows will not eject a USB device from my operating system when using the Safely Remove Hardware in the icon tray. The annoying error message Windows displays “The device cannot be stopped right now. Try stopping the device again later” usually appears in a time sensitive situation. […]
Update: This post has been amazing and generated a lot of interest. To make things easier, I have compiled a USB Super Stick for you. If you are interested in a 1GB drive with all the apps [below] for $20 – shoot me an email: gmo<at>getusb.info and I’ll send you more details. USB flash is […]
FMWeb School released a USB security dongle which ties in with FileMaker database solutions – USB Sentry. It’s like the database is hard coded to the UFD device. The inviting point about this solution is when a database developer sells the customs solution the USB Sentry insures unauthorized copies of the database are not distributed. […]
Smart PC Solutions certified their Smart Data Recovery Software (like there’s a dumb version) for the U3 portable UFD platform. The data recovery U3 software supports FAT and NTFS drives and easily recovers data from any flash type for use with any USB powered gadget like; hard disk, digital camera, UFDs basically any flash memory. […]
USB sticks have long lost the luster of the early days when it was cool to have no matter what they looked like. Today, most of the ubiquitous sticks look like the computers they are meant for – pretty darn boring. Why not change that a little and add some soul to a otherwise lifeless […]
There are far-n-few between geeky gals out there to make the USB Handbag something of value other than an exercise in creative design. Here the designer, Dima Komissarov includes the USB purse to inflate [like USB Spongebob] as capacity increases. Don’t know about you, but it all looks Photochop’d to me.
Wireless keyboards are a dime-a-dozen and sometimes the low-end just wont do. Wireless Computing turned their back on standard wireless keyboards and produced a high-end, commercial grade wireless keyboard that also carries 2-way data encryption technology for secure communication. Albeit not a common need of the average computer user, USB input devices like this make […]