Mini USB Monitor – Expand Your Netbook
Netbooks are great portable PCs and I would switch from my full sized Fujitsu laptop to my Acer Netbook if it wasn’t for the limited monitor space. I understand there are trade-offs for ultra portable Netbooks verse size, speed and performance. But with this new Lilliput USB monitor for only $99 it’s really got me thinking. A switch might be eminent. So for just $99 you get a 7 inch display with resolution of 800 x 480 dpi. The contrast ratio is nice at 400:1 and connects only through a USB port. I understand there are trade-offs for ultra portable Netbooks verse size, speed and performance. But with this new Lilliput USB monitor for only $99 it’s really got me thinking. A switch might be eminent. So for just $99 you get a 7 inch display with resolution of 800 x 480 dpi. The contrast ratio is nice at 400:1 and connects only through a USB port. So with the combination of my Netbook [we have 7 at work] along with the USB mini monitor, I’m still packing less weight and space then my full blown laptop. Since there are no drivers needed for the Mac or PC it’s truly plug-n-play and ready to work with any PC, work or home. So for $99 it’s worth a shot. What do you think?Tags: usb monitor
Rich Gates
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