
Chromebook Gets a USBGuard

Anyone in tech has seen the reports and news about USB sticks with a virus ruined a company network or infect computers.  Google built a small and affective feature into their latest Chromebooks.

USBGuard, Chromebook

The USBGuard is a feature which blocks interaction between the mass storage device and the Chrome operating system.  The OS will give power to the device, but not let data transmit.

The USBGuard blocks this activity when the Chromebook is in locked mode.  When the Chromebook is not in lock mode, the USB will interact as expected as a read/write device.

This is a good feature to have for any operating system and I would hedge money on seeing something similar come to Mac and Windows computers in the coming year.

For those interested in also protecting their USB stick along with their computer, getting a Nexcopy Lock License drive will help.  The USB stick is, by default, always in the write protected mode.  This means a virus cannot jump onto the drive as the writing to the USB is blocked at the hardware level.  Only after a password is entered does the drive become read/write.  More about the Nexcopy Lock License drive.

Rich Gates

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