
USB Steampunk Mouse Is All Russian Style

Wish I had the talent and I wish I had the time. Steampunk seems like a very cool way to take any product and turn it into something outstanding. Take this Steampunk USB mouse for example.

steampunk usb mouse

Some Russian modd’er put in some serious hours making this Steampunk probably one of the best we’ve seen. Right down to the brass wear on the USB connector and cloth material used for the cord. Well done. It seems the mouse itself was shaped into a tank link design with cannons on the top left and right, hatch on the top and oval brass pieces on the side for tread. I don’t know if this is what the modder was going for, but the Steampunk mouse seems to resemble it. As with all Steampunk gear, this one’s not for sale or in production, it’s just a nice piece of hardware which drools craftsmanship and time suckage. Source:BoingBoing.


Rich Gates

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