USB Silent Keystroke Recorder
Here at we are a fan of the USB key logger technology. After all, what better way to find out what employees, girlfriends and such are doing with their spare time. Especially with all the social network, it’s important to know what is, or is not, being said about you. We have reported about USB key loggers before, but this one is especially nice with the old school PS/2 connector. Great for the older machines. The device comes with 2MB of internal memory, but check it often as that amount of space will be filled quickly. Pricing is a bit different depending on the connection type you need. $60-$75. Here is the USB key logger product page. Reminder from UberGizmo.Tags: USB key logger
Rich Gates
Administator for started in 2004 with the concept of providing USB information for everything USB related. At the time, USB was gaining momentum and every day new products, articles and news became published. Today, the site is focused on bringing technical information, tricks and hacks to USB related products. The site does publish off topic information as well, to keep the variety up. Please visit the footer area of any page if you or your company is interested in article or product placement via purchased advertising.