Flash drives are getting very large in size these days, the new SuperSpeed USB 3.0 sticks are getting over 256GB capacity. With these larger sticks, the option to format the device as a NTFS file system is available, but what about the smaller USB sticks?
By default, any USB stick under 4GBs in capacity will not have the Format USB as NTFS file system option, but we can fix that.
Here is the How To: Format USB sticks as NTFS:
Click Start > My Computer > Right click on the drive letter for the USB stick and select Properties.
Now, click the Hardware tab of the Properties pop-up window and select the drive letter of which you’d like to change. In this case, it’s drive letter F shown as “Simple Flash Disk 2.0 USB Device“ From here click the Properties button.
The next step is click the Policies tab and
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If you take a typical USB stick and select the Windows format option, you only get the FAT and FAT32 option for anything under 4GBs. However, there are times you might want to format as NTFS. For example, you want to set specific file and folder privileges to the content and you feel NTFS is the best way.
Well, there is an easy solution and it’s just a matter of setting the options correctly in Windows for your device.
This is how you do it:
Start > My Computer > Right click on the drive letter for the USB stick and select Properties.
Next click the Hardware tab of the Properties dialogue box and select the device which you’d like to change. In this case, it’s drive letter F shown as “Simple Flash Disk 2.0 USB Device“ From here you can double-click the device or highlight in blue and click the Properties button.
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There have been plenty of moments in my computer life I’d like to turn back time. Especially those Vista Upgrades or even the minor events like accidentally deleting files. For the last [mentioned] brain fart, there is some U3 Software which can help; NT File Recovery. The file recovery software is designed to recover any deleted file from a NTFS system.
Many USB file recovery software packages only support files and folders, but this package includes support for getting back applications and media files such as wmv and mpeg files.
Another point worth consideration, is the convenience of running the software from your U3 drive as to eliminate the risk of overwriting your data from the PC you’re try to salvage data from. This U3 application is absolutely free, and ready for the taking.
U3 Software NT File Recover download page.
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