Here at we love the USB steampunk drive. We’ve reported on at least a dozen of them over the past couple years and I’m sure we’ve missed three times that many. Today we are tipping you off to a great tutorial on how to USB steampunk your own flash drive.
Instructables has a very detailed, 9 page tutorial on how to steampunk your own gear. It gives you a list of material, a detailed process, good and creative guidelines along with plenty of pictures and resources.
It’s my goal to actually do this over the July 4th weekend [2010] and post my result. Lets hope for the best!
To give you an idea of the scope of project considering the following list of materials and tools. If it fits into your abilities, then give it a shot!
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If, had an award for best Steampunk drive, this would get it. Set in a nice wood case, this Steampunk USB drive is riddled with over 30 mechanical parts from six different watches. Some parts are from watches that are over 100 years old.
The 16GB hand crafted USB Steampunk also holds 26 Ruby gems which catch the light from different angles. When the stick is plugged in the standard green LED illuminates and also creates a nice look. Unfortunately no picture of it connected.
This prize winning Steampunk took nearly 12 hours to complete…and looks fantastic. What do you think?
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