SmallBizBee posted a nice article today about eight tech gadgets which can help boost your busines in either profit, production, efficiency or exposure. Click for the full article and how these items can impact your business. For a quick read we have the summary:
There is a good percentage of folks out there who probably store their adult content on encrypted flash drive. They store it this way so their co-workers, wives or girlfriends don’t stumble upon the adult content they are so quietly trying to keep hidden. However, for those a bit more bold, we bring you two USB drives which are a bit funny and symbolically, and ideal way to store your p0rn.
First up are the GigaBoobs. Just as you guessed it’s a USB drive in the shape of boobs.
The next up is the USB condom. Yes, I think it’s stupid too, and probably not even real, just a photoshop job with the USB connector sticking out of the condom wrapper. But it’s a good laugh, don’t ya think?
The gigaboobs are available for purchase.
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