Just looking at the picture, wouldn’t it be a shame if the Porsche inspired USB hard drive from LaCie got a scratch on it? Not many tech products get designed after house-hold names, like Porsche, but it seems LaCie is making a good business out of it.
The exclusive design is available in 500GB and 1TB size with an even more exclusive size of 750GBs only available at Porsche stores. Wouldn’t that be odd, “Honey, I’m going down to the Porsche dealership to pick up a hard drive to expand the TiVo box.” But, after she saw the hard drive, I’m sure she would understand.
So when you can find a 500GB USB hard drive for about $80, why bother? Drop another $20 and get the LaCie Porsche version. Now that is money well spent.
For the tech folks, it’s USB 3.0 so great transfer rates. For the Uber-Geek, forget about Thunderbolt – sh!t, the spec just came out and I’m sure it took Porsche at least 6 months just to approve the design. So stop getting theoretical on me [CNET] on why it should be Thunderbolt – get some perspective.
For those who ended up buying a bulk lot of the LaCie drives [image conscience marketing company] then may I suggest a USB hard drive copier like the one from Nexcopy to make data loading a quick task?
Source:Â LaCie News.
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