
Search Results for ‘flash drive’

Police Pluck Evidence With COFEE USB Stick

Microsoft developed a USB stick to pluck evidence out of computers at crime scenes.  The USB device is called COFEE (Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor) and has the power to blast through security settings to get the good stuff…and quick. The COFEE USB devices is ideal for on-site investigation where law-enforcement needs to extract data […]

Virtual Laptop Protects Children Online With USB Bracelet

WiHood is a relatively new service which is the world’s first “virtual laptop” that protects children online [ anywhere & at all times] with the WiHood’s USB bracelet. The concept is ideal and it appears the user interface, setup and configuration is just as simple.  This is what WiHood is:  A USB bracelet which auto-launches […]

Personal Pocket Safe Is Pin Pad USB Stick

Here is the Personal Pocket Safe UFD which is the first of it’s kind that is an “encrypted, epoxy coated, pin-protected smart drive.”  Not the first pin-pad USB stick we’ve seen.  But with military grade encryption and a mysterious “track-covering” feature to insure no one can trace it’s where-a-bouts after removing from the host. Lets […]

StartKey From MicroSoft – So That’s What They Did With U3

GetUSB reported a while back about the partnership between Microsoft and U3 and it turns out they’ve created the StartKey, a similar approach as the U3 drives. The biggest difference is Microsoft using StartKey as the key component to logging in and booting up.  In addition, you can store personal computer settings and privileges, applications […]

The Mars Volta USB Music Album

Mars Volta has joined the ranks of artists who’ve introduced music via USB Albums.  Their latest album, The Bedlam in Goliath is was available on a 1GB drive but is now sold out due to popular demand.  The drive included album artwork and music video Wax Simulacra and what’s interesting about this Mars Volta offering […]

eBoostr is Readyboost for Windows XP

Vista Readyboost® has seen plenty of press over the last 18 months and although some feel it’s not all that beneficial for those who are drinking the cool aid, you can now get Readyboost for your Windows XP machine. eBoostr works just like Vista Readyboost® where you can use additional memory, such as flash memory, […]

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