It is common to hear Raspberry Pi owners want more USB ports. just read about them introducing an official 4 port USB hub. Sweet. To note, most Raspberry Pi single-board computers, except for the Raspberry Pi Zero and A+ models, include a built-in USB hub that splits one USB connection into several USB Type-A […]
We answer what USB4 is. From physical size and connector type to the improved benefits of this new(er) technology. Four key points are mentioned on exactly why people will want to adopt USB4 technology.
Port Hub Provides Six Connection Options via USB The Satechi Port Hub adapter extends the functionality of your M1 MacBook Pro laptop. It has all of the necessary ports, including a USB4 port, Gigabit Ethernet, a USB-C data port, two USB-A data ports, and an audio jack port. The Pro Hub Mini is the only […]
In 2015 Intel introduced the Compute Stick or Computer Stick – the product has been around ever since. The idea is simple and eligant. Intel wanted to create an HDMI dongle computer which can run Windows 10. There is no confirmation, but our suspicion is that Intel wanted a ultra-cheap and portable solution to run […]
With the 10th anniversary of the iPhone approaching, features and design for the celebratory version of the device have been leaked or rumored in the last week. According to various reports, at least one new model will be available with a curved OLED screen similar to that of the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. This high […]
While all pre-built desktops and laptops come with a hard drive, it’s not uncommon for users to look for a more mobile way to store their data rather than carrying their entire machine with them to all destinations. External hard drives have been the answer to this lack of mobility ever since the ingenuity of […]
Smartronix has a USB power monitor and it’s ideal for those who want to regulate what power is coming from a USB device. Most notably would be the ability to test power from a suspect defective drive or gadget. With so many useless USB toys made in cheap factories over seas, one can get a […]
Converging technologies collide. At first, I thought this to be just another MP3 player, but it does more than just play music. The USB MP3 cassette player also works as a car stereo adapter to connect your iPod or iPhone, CD player or a different MP3 player. Or simply insert a loaded SD card with […]
How about a real Cigar that glows when connected and stores data on the USB memory? You can build this authentic smelling USB Cigar flash drive yourself in jest 10 or so easy steps. Before you get started, here is a list of items you’ll need:
Could this be a threat to the Apples iTunes store? The idea is loading up your applications via USB cable, rather than via iTunes store. This type of app installer would eliminate the need for an iTunes app store. It seems there are several non-Apple sponsored app stores popping up which is the first step […]
An Instructables member took an extra Wiimote and turned it into the eye-site gauge for the famous USB missile launcher. Now you can have all the fun with the added pin-point accuracy for a deadly shot with your missile launcher. With a spare remote, USB cable, USB missile launcher and some code they guys at […]