We’ve reported on USB cuff-links before, but we’ve never seen them with a steampunk twist…and you know we love USB steampunk gear. This is a fine set of steampunk design work, with the small gears so well placed inside the walnut case. Very nice. The addition of 8GBs of storage make it usable as well. […]
You may have seen the term Steampunk before, you may even have seen this USB Steampunk drive before – it’s a fantasy like design based off steam power for this USB gadget. Enjoy the detailed pictures then brush up on Steampunk history at the footer: ~~~
Who didn’t love the movie thriller “The Da Vinci Code?” Not only that, who didn’t dream about having a cool Cryptex gadget to store all your valuable secrets? Come one, you know it would be phenomenally great to have such a device. Well, it might not be that far off. A Russian engineer has posted […]
There is nothing more satisfying for a finger work-out then using a laboriously slow old school typewriter. Or on those cloudy days where you feel a bit melancholy and in the mood to write the start of a novel you’ll never finish, you may need to punch down on those exhausting keys of a manual […]
Here is a great looking Steampunk Custom flash drive. The creator, Marcos, put a brass shell around the outside of this USB stick, then decorated the outside with miniature gears and watch components. It appears Marcos took the USB cap and attached it to the end with some included brass gears and other Steampunk detail. […]