Update: This post has been amazing and generated a lot of interest. To make things easier, I have compiled a USB Super Stick for you. If you are interested in a 1GB drive with all the apps [below] for $20 – shoot me an email: gmo<at>getusb.info and I’ll send you more details. USB flash is […]
The life cycle of a flash drive is a question which has been around for a long time. There are many factors which contribute to the longevity of a flash drive. Let us consider the following: There are three main components which effect the life cycle of a USB flash drive. Flash memory type Construction […]
What is SLC flash memory? SLC stands for Single Layer Cell and is flash memory with a single “story” of memory and each cell has two possible states (state = a voltage level) with each state representing either a one or a zero. SLC memory has the advantage of higher write speeds because there is […]
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