Not So Funny USB Jokes [11]
What do you call a bee born in the United States?
When the person who invented the USB drive dies:
They will lower the coffin into the grave and realize it’s the wrong direction. Flip it, and try again.
Why do people complain about plugging in USB cables?
I always connect them on my second try.

Amazon offers a USB-powered taillight:
It’s used to backup your computer.
Arguing with your wife is like a USB port:
You will only be right 50% of the time.
I ate my USB flash drive:
It only took 1 byte.
If you are carrying around a USB stick:
Do you have mobile data?
What do you call a USB stick in Russia?
A “Put-in”
The USB Type C design is brilliant:
I can’t see a downside to it.
How do you stop an elephant from charging?
Take away its USB cable.
Thanks to these guys for inspiration.