
No BS – Self Destructing USB Flash Drive By Fujitsu

Don’t get too excited, the flash drive doesn’t blow up and take everyone with it, nor does it spit out harmful bio chemicals for mass destruction.  Rather, the Fujitsu USB flash drive will self destruct using a much less flamboyant method…it will erase itself.

self destructing usb drive

The drive is a prototype design whereby the internal workings include a processor and battery and after a certain amount of time, the data on the stick will erase itself.  Or self destruct. But just incase this method is a bit too hard-core, Fujitsu has an alternate method for data protection.  The second method includes an auto erase feature if the USB flash drive is used to copy files to an unauthorized workstation or server.  Using the Fujitsu re-direct software as the backbone, it can prevent data from  being uploaded to file-sharing networks, sent as e-mail attachments, or printed, according to Fujitsu. Since this is just a prototype you’ll need to wait a bit longer, but for those who are impatient, knows of one flash drive which already offers USB Copy Protection.  The drive will also Copy Protect PDF files, flash, MPG and a host more multimedia files.


Rich Gates

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