Mini Portrait Display Monitor – Mini in Size, Large on Coolness
Mini Portrait Display Monitor – Mini in Size, Large on Coolness
With the everlasting newsfeeds from Twitter and never-ending social media feeds a portrait style display is the ideal monitor keeping you connected while not eating up real-estate on your main monitor. We understand not one display size will fit all needs, but this mini portrait display stands tall amongst other sizes we’ve seen. The cool factor for this product is off the charts and wouldn’t you love to be the first in your office to have this setup?
Resolution is 1280 x 400 with a physical size of 70mm (x) 208mm (x) 16mm so for you Americans on the Imperial measuring system that is 8″ inches tall by 3″ inches wide. The monitor size is just under 8″ inches.
The mini portrait display uses an HDMI cable for video and micro-USB for power.
The display isn’t fully supported on the Mac so user experience will vary when paired with that OS, but the mini portrait display monitor will run as expected on a Windows machine. The unit is (about) $95 USD after the conversion from Yen. The company marketing this display is Sanko and product is not yet available.
Are you interested in this product? is planning to bring in 50 units… get on the list to buy. Send an email to gmo (at) to make a request.
Source: Impress Watch, Japan
Tags: hdmi, mini, monitor, portrait display