
Microsoft With USB Anti-Malware RootKit

Microsoft has made available a new version of “Defender” to ride infected computers of malware, including rootkits which highjack your boot process and corrupt your computer. The “Defender Offline Beta” is available from Microsoft for free [here] and does require updates as virus definitions are always changing. Definitions are files that provide an encyclopedia of potential software threats. Because new threats appear daily, it’s important to always have the most up-to-date definitions installed in Windows Defender Offline Beta. Armed with definition files, Windows Defender Offline Beta can detect malicious and potentially unwanted software, and then notify you of the risks. The Redmond company suggests you make a USB drive with the Defender Offline Beta software from a PC which is not infected.  Doing so on a corrupted computer could interfere with the USB and yield the Microsoft tool useless. To use Windows Defender Offline Beta, you need to follow four basic steps:
  • Download Windows Defender Offline Beta and create a USB flash drive.
  • Restart your PC using the Windows Defender Offline Beta media.
  • Scan your PC for malicious and other potentially unwanted software.
  • Remove any malware that is found from your PC.
Windows Defender Offline Beta will walk you through the details of these four steps when you’re using the tool. If you’ve been prompted in Microsoft Security Essentials or Windows Defender to download and run Windows Defender Offline Beta, it’s important that you do so, to make sure that your data and your PC isn’t compromised.

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Rich Gates

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