Intel’s Marketing Push For USB 3.0
Intel is making an interesting marketing move these days with positioning the “Father of USB” as one of Intel’s best performing “Rock Stars.” You have may have seen the Intel commercial I posted several weeks ago. You may have seen that same commercial on TV [as I did] and now we have Ajay Bhatt, the Father of USB, on the Conan O’Brian show. Clearly Intel is making a push for the general public to pick up on USB and it’s newer technology USB 3.0. What is funny about the Conan O’Brian interview is that in my original USB video post with Ajay Bhatt as the main character, was exactly that, just a character. The real Ajay Bhatt is interviewed by Conan. It’s a funny little interview, check it out after the jump. Source: EverythingUSB.Rich Gates
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