What is SLC flash memory? SLC stands for Single Layer Cell and is flash memory with a single “story” of memory and each cell has two possible states (state = a voltage level) with each state representing either a one or a zero. SLC memory has the advantage of higher write speeds because there is […]
Is it worth buying a USB 3.1 USB flash drive? The tech industry, tech nerds and tech blogs will definitely say that buying a USB 3.1 flash drive is worth it. After all, these blogs need something new to write about and new links to generate for affiliate advertising, but are these blogs reporting back […]
TLC memory writes slower than MLC memory because it stores three bits of data per cell, rather than the one bit stored by SLC and the two bits stored by MLC. Writing three bits of data to a single cell requires more complex programming than writing a single or two bits of data, resulting in […]
Can you freeze a USB flash drive? Will a USB flash drive survive the washing machine? Can a USB flash drive survive getting wet? How long does a USB flash drive last? Why is a USB flash drive so durable? #1 – Can you freeze a USB flash drive? Yes, if a USB drive is […]
Computers on a stick will begin to gain popularity over the next two years. Lenovo is the most recent to offer a compu-stick. The Ideacentre 300 Stick is a 2GB of RAM computer with an Intel Atom Z3735F processor (2M cache + 1.83 Ghz) and runs Windows 8.1. The Compu-Stick can be plugged into any […]
This is a great video that explains how flash memory works. Granted, the video is very technical but does work through the concept of reading and writing data to flash. So if you have the 17 minutes to use, I suggest giving this a watch. The video does cover SLC, MLC and TLC memory and […]
I think we have all heard a USB can only be used so many times. Some say the number is 1,000 writes – some say the number is 100,000 writes. One thing I do know for sure, it’s impossible to tell on any one specific device. The life cycle of a USB is directly related […]
It’s a little slow today on the USB front so we’ll take a closer look at a new flash technology from Toshiba. Yesterday Toshiba announced a hybrid flash memory technology which should be a great boost for the mobile phone industry. Going along the concept of Readyboost, where by you have two memory sources working […]
The life cycle of a flash drive is a question which has been around for a long time. There are many factors which contribute to the longevity of a flash drive. Let us consider the following: There are three main components which effect the life cycle of a USB flash drive. Flash memory type Construction […]
Transcend released a fine looking stainless steel flash drive – the JetFlash 180, BTW can flash drives be “fine looking?” The stainless steel chassis is fingerprint resistant so the elegance wont diminish after some grimy hand handling. Available with colored bands of green, red or blue denoting sizes of 1G, 2G and 4G. Of course […]