Brando is filling in their spectrum of product offerings to include both low-end and high-end. From the seasonal trinket like USB Christmas trees and USB Plasma Balls to higher end products like quality USB solar chargers and today; USB Microscope, Brando is building their brand. This just isn’t any old microscope either. It’s literally packed […]
Microscopes have long been a favorite for kids looking to see the details. With the ProScope HR USB Microscope the convenience of getting close is infinitely easier. Designed like a toy gun, the USB microscope is like a point-and-shoot device with the ability to capture what ever is being viewed. There are three methods on […]
Some really smart researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and some of their colleagues at the University of Maryland developed a step-by-step recipe to produce the atomic-scale devices. Atomic scaled devices is the heart of quantum computing. Said in a very simple way; “quantum” is the Latin word for “amount” and […]