The iPhone has become an invaluable gadget for everyone I’ve meet with an iPhone. It gives the user instance access to email, the internet and a variety of applications and games. Clearly the heavy users who depend on the iPhone will run into issues with battery life. Since the product is portable, not everyone sits with the iPhone at their desk tethered to their USB port for charging and synchronization, must just leave it out for the quick grab-n-go while on the move.
Proporta has a product which will help those gassed phones, the iPhone TurboCharger Back Pack. The back pack is a iPhone case with a built in battery charger.
The TruboCharger has 1700mAh of power which will quickly and easily charge your iPhone and double it’s battery life. The TurboCharger can piggy back the iPhone during charging and use. The TurboCharger can be connected to the iPhone while connected to the PC…or you can connect the back pack seperatly for charging.
When together, the back pack will not effect performance or sync ability of the iPhone with iTunes. In addition, the TruboCharger will charge itself and the iPhone when connected to the computer.
To connect the TurboCharger, simply insert the iPhone 4 into the Back Pack by separating the two sections and then sliding them back together once the iPhone is in place. The Back Pack will automatically commence charging and you’ll see the charging icon appear on your iPhone. An LED display shows the level of charge.
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