Franklin Wireless is churning out their smallest EVDO USB Modem so you can be your own hotspot – whether you’re hot or not.
EVDO or Evolution Data Only/Evolution Data Optimized provides fast wireless broadband (3G) internet service directly to your [I’m assuming] laptop [or any computer really]. All this access is now portable and available via Franklin’s USB CDU680 modem. You can take the internet with you and surf the web in your car, on the train, in the airport, at your Starwars technology convention or in your Luv Bus RV.
Some exceptional features too. 64MB flash drive – okay maybe THAT’S not impressive, built-in GPS, antenna port for external signal boost, pre-configured for PC/ Mac and swivel base USB connector.
It looks like 2007 will be the year of shipping wireless USB products. D-Link offers their wireless WUSB 4 port ultra-wide band USB hub for those seeking the ultimate laziness of USB connectivity. I for one agree, leaning over to connect a USB cable to your scanner, storage hard drive or printer is just too much work.
It looks like my paperless office will also be wireless by 2008, thanks to WUSB.
The D-Link DUB-9240 wireless hub wont be the fastest kid on the block as unofficial reports indicate transfer speeds of under 10MB/second and with no transfer speeds available on the D-Link website we aren’t too hopeful. With a maximum distance from base to hub at 30 feet I doubt this distance will have a big impact on performance.
Wireless keyboards are a dime-a-dozen and sometimes the low-end just wont do. Wireless Computing turned their back on standard wireless keyboards and produced a high-end, commercial grade wireless keyboard that also carries 2-way data encryption technology for secure communication.
Albeit not a common need of the average computer user, USB input devices like this make it possible for retail and commercial organizations to do business without sacrificing security.
The RF-250 encrypted wireless keyboard can distance itself about 100 feet from the USB dongle and include a detachable wrist rest and [touch] mouse pad.
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Linksys, a division of Cisco, released their new Wireless G USB Network Adaptor aimed at small business. What Linksys did with this product is incorporate range booster technology to increase signal strength and improve data transfer speeds.
The RangeBooster technology makes the claim that range will increase by double and data transfer speed will increase by about 35%.
And if you’re concerned about security, well then wireless products might be a little scary. Linksys covered their bases with a WPA2 256-bit encryption engine along with a Security Monitoring abilities to get the low-down when there’s a crack-down.
No word on pricing or availability.
The long awaited wireless USB hubs are starting to show their face. Belkin did a push for nearly a year before their wireless hub came out; Gefen just made their announcement about a 4 port wireless USB hub.
This is an excellent choice for those having peripherals further then a common USB cable connection. The Gefen WUSB hub uses a USB dongle at the host PC and will communicate up to 60 feet to the wireless hub.
Since these types of products have not hit the shelves yet, the real-world transfer rate is yet to be determined. The specification calls for data transfer rates between 55Mb/s to the max of 480Mb/s (wouldn’t that be nice) but I believe that will depend more on distance.
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Wireless technology is everywhere. Whether it’s buzz about something new or a product currently available, I cannot go through a day without reading or bumping into something related to wireless technology.There are seven built in wireless technologies that make the world go round. When I say “built in” I’m talking about products which have wireless technology inside the device. Most familiar to most people are Wireless USB, Bluetooth and RFID. However, there are four more technologies you should at least know about. So here are all seven technologies: WUSB, Bluetooth, RFID, WiMedia, UWB, NFC and ZigBee.
WiMedia – WiMedia refers to the Ultra Wide Band radio platform which enables high data transfer rates. The goal of WiMedia is to standardize the protocols or code used in wireless devices. For example, WiMedia standards are used in Ultra Wide Band (UWB), Bluetooth and WUSB technology products. The end result for a consumer is that WiMedia guarantees
Continue Reading has reported on several off-the-shelf USB extenders, but they are high priced, at least for the home user. If you have low signal strength and on a tight budget, here is a tutorial on making your own beefed up WiFi USB extender.
Using this home-brew WiFi extender will help pick up dozens more hot-spots in your area; don’t believe it – we’ll you’ll just have to try it – this really works. The premise of this solution is taking a parabolic dish and bouncing all possible waves into the focal point of the “dish” or in this case, the WiFi USB stick.
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The WiRanger from Icron is a wireless USB hub making it easier than ever to unclutter your desk and redistribute that crap to the credenza, filing cabinet or your buddies cubical.
“Icron’s flexible ExtremeUSB technology is the engine that enables USB 1.1 or 2.0 connections over any media: wireless, cable, power line or fiber optics.”
so given Icron are experts with USB, jumping into WUSB is a logical move.
What I like about this solution is no software is needed for configuration so Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac users can benefit from this product. The hub uses a USB dongle from the host computer which communicates with the remote hub.
Using the 802.11g radio frequency the WiRanger can transfer data up to …well, Icron just says high speed. Speed will be determined by the peripheral product and radio frequency output of about 58Mbps – not the performance of the hub. The range is about 30 meters from base unit to hub unit. The WiRanger is a 4 port hub and has a set MSRP of $395. Icron said the WUSB hub to be available this spring, which should be any day now. Icron also eludes to other high-end WUSB solutions coming to market for the military, pro-sumer and medical markets in the coming months.
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The USB-IF posted a somewhat interesting TV spot on YouTube about the convenience of wireless USB technology. The ad makes sense and sure is nice to watch, but where the hell are the WUSB products? I see the ad as a motivator to encourage faster development of WUSB products while at the same time, peak the interest of the consumer. Wonder if it will work…well, with respect to getting products out there faster – I think we can already agree consumer’s interest is there.
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Crap. I was really looking forward to getting my Apple TV ($299) this month. I guess I’ll have to wait a little bit longer.
This morning I got the following email from the Apple Online Store regarding my Apple TV pre-order. Apparently “wrapping up” took ” a few weeks longer” than they expected… whatever that means.
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EPOS introduces a revolutionary twist on the digital pen. This next generation digital pen will automatically scribe any writing to the USB flash drive. The key, is an EPOS chip on the flash drive which receives communication from the EPOS embedded chip on the digital pen.
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Now that Wireless USB products are starting to ship we’ll see a lot more of USB-IF certified chips and controllers. Take the LucidPORT L800 WUSB Device Controller.
This is an 8 or 16 bit memory mapped DMA slave chip to provide wireless connectivity to 31 devices. The L800 supports all the drivers offered by USB spec such as Mass Storage Device, Printer, Scanner and Video Classes and will auto switch between wired USB and Wireless USB connections.
So what does this mean? Here’s an example, the LucidPORT L800 would be integrated into a PC, either onto the motherboard or an adaptor card, from there the L800 can pick up
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