
Steampunk USB Cufflinks Will Break the Bank

We’ve reported on USB cuff-links before, but we’ve never seen them with a steampunk twist…and you know we love USB steampunk gear.

This is a fine set of steampunk design work, with the small gears so well placed inside the walnut case. Very nice. The addition of 8GBs of storage make it usable as well. Granted, the cost of $200+ is steep, but I’m sure it’s a one-of-a-kind art piece. The idea of using them for an event is unique, but I sure wouldn’t want a job which requires them. We’ve read these USB cuff-links are something James Bond would wear…but I’m sorry, James Bond has never been a steampunk guy, he’s much too classy for this cult following design work. Continue Reading

Konect USB Watch Is Best Looking We’ve Seen

Tokyoflash put together this odd USB watch which looks and acts very much like it’s from the future. In addition, it will challenge your cognitive abilities when someone asks you what time it is [see image 3]. The Konect is not only a watch using an unorthodox approach, it also doubles as a flash drive. The USB flash drive, slips out from the right and the blue radial area is the watch itself. From the description of what is what, the Konect also has voice record ability and a lavish setting of alarms. Ability to stream audio live or communicate via Skype when loaded to the USB flash. From the source post at Continue Reading

Tilting Solar Panel for Your USB Gadgets

In a concept design only, Eric Strebel and Jim Nogarian prototyped a solar panel which can rotate with the sun.  The case has three angles on the bottom, a flat surface for sunlight directly above around noon time, and two 45 degree angle for morning and afternoon sun.  It’s a good idea…I think.

USB solar power

After a little bit of research it appears the direct sunlight approach to solar is a thing of the past.  New technology allows diffused light to generate electricity through the solar panels and thus maximizes any solar panel even slightly exposed to sunlight. Putting this information aside, The Solcar Vox does look like a fresh idea on charging your USB gadgets or other devices which charge via USB like the iPhone. If you like the idea you can pre-order the prototype which is Continue Reading

Digital Camera is USB Hub by Samsung No Less

Samsung is looking to put a new twist to the classic digital camera with multiple USB ports.  The idea is simple, once a picture is taken, the folks in the picture can turn over their thumb drives for a quick download of the picture just taken.

camera USB port

Not a bad idea considering most of us now have USB sticks in our pocket, car or computer bag.  I think the wifi SD card is a bit better of an idea, but this too will work. The concept camera from Samsung has three female USB ports to accept mass storage devices [tech term for USB stick] and a male USB for connecting to a computer for downloading. Continue Reading

Mysterious USB Ports Show Up In NYC

A New York artist names Aram Bartholl is trying a very daring, if not crazy, art exhibit by placing USB sticks throughout New York City.  The idea is for others to share their digital life, secrets, information with others to bridge the life of digital information with that of the physical world.  So what exactly do you do?

USB in wall

Aram has placed a small collection of USB ports in public places thinking that others will connect their laptop or computer to the USB port and upload or download data to share.  I bit crazy if you ask me…you know how many viruses and key logging programs one could get?  Even with virus checking software – there are sophisticated attacks you could expose yourself too.  BUT, if you dare, connect! Currently the installation is only a five-stick preview, but Bartholl is planning to expand the operation to more sticks and more cities. Check Bartholl’s blog for coming information including “full documentation, movie, map, and ‘How to make your own dead drop’ manual coming soon!”

USB in New York

Aram – you should use USB Write Protected flash drives and share controlled data so that you’re exhibit doesn’t kill computers!  Maybe provide an upload link where you can control the data, then put the data on flash drives and write protect the stick.  Don’t know how – contact us, we’ll show you. Continue Reading

WWWorks USB Steampunk Drive – New Kid On The Block

If you’ve been to this site before, you know we are a fan of USB Steampunk.  We just received word there is a new kid on the block who’s doing some cool USB steampunk. This design is coined “Steampunk Scorpion USB.”

USB steampunk Scorpion

WWWorks is the profile name over at Etsy and he’s done some nice work on his first release.  What I like about the style of this design is the lack of gears you so commonly see with USB steampunk.  Rather, WWWorks put some detail into the design on the brass. So here is a bit of detail about WWWorks.  Based in Budapest Hungary WWWorks is a computer IT guy by day and a craftsman by night.  Trying to break away from the Continue Reading

Infinite USB Plug – Good On Paper But Will Never Work

Here is another USB prototype design and it’s called the Infinite USB Plug.  The pictures look great and the concept is clever, however it just doesn’t work.  Never will.

Infinite USB plug

Designed by Gonglue Jiang, the Infinite USB Plug allows you to keep adding your peripherals without the need USB hubs or hot swapping your devices on USB ports when needed. The color coding on plugs will make it easy to identify which plug belongs to which device. The problem is the way USB typology works.  When connecting multiple devices via USB you cannot daisy-chain them.  You cannot piggy back them, it must be in a logical pyramid typology.  Which means, this concept requires a hub.
Designed by Gonglue Jiang, the Infinite USB Plug allows you to keep adding your peripherals without the need USB hubs or hot swapping your devices on USB ports when needed. The color coding on plugs will make it easy to identify which plug belongs to which device.
The problem is the way USB typology works.  When connecting multiple devices via USB you cannot daisy-chain them.  You cannot piggy back them, it must be in a logical Continue Reading

Paper Thin USB Key Turns Magazines Into USB Distribution Method

usb webkey

It’s a bit complicated of a article title, but the point is this:  It is now possible to put a paper thin USB key into a magazine ad to drive customers to your site. This fresh approach to implement USB technology into marketing is extraordinary to say the least. Now don’t misunderstand me, I’m not talking about a flash drive with storage, I’m talking about a “web key.” A USB webkey is simply a device that auto launches your web browser to a specific web page.  That’s it.  But it’s incredibly powerful. Now a major retailer or manufacturer can send a magazine reader directly to a webpage via a paper thin USB key.  I’d try it just to see if it would work.  I would try it just to see if there was storage on there [if I wasn’t a USB-super-geek]. The process is simple.
  • Step 1 – Open magazine and see the ad
  • Step 2 – Pop out the webkey
  • Step 3 – Connect it to a USB port on your PC
That’s it.  Now your reader is on the web checking out your next greatest invention [Honda Unicycle] To learn more about the USB webkey contact USBcopier. Continue Reading

The Most Portable USB Vinyl Recorder Player We’ve Seen

Albiet a concept design, this is one portable looking USB vinyl record player.  Comprised of just two parts, a base and top, the USB vinyl record player is meant for table top play back.  Granted, you’ve got to ask yourself who’s in such need of a portable solution, but for the die hard vinyl fan who just can’t stand MP3 this is a sure bet.

USB vinyl record player

Published on Pyott Design they give you 3 easy steps: 1)  Carry around & store as needed.  To play separate base and player via side button.2)  Place record on base spindle and reattached top player

USB vinyl

3)  Plug in power jack to USB port and additional audio jacks if needed.  Will play 35/45 RPM 4)  Place needle head on desired track and play.

play vinyl record

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Colorful USB Hub

colorful usb hub

Lebedev Studio released a prototype USB hub based off a light prism.  The creativity and look as very cool with a clear communication of how data transfers through the device. To bad the colorful USB cables aren’t available and I believe it’s just a design style not yet available. What do you think? Continue Reading

USB As Tough As Nails

This USB design fits into the same category as the Sawed Off USB Key we reported about one month ago. The USB Nail generates this look of amazement at first glance, “How did a nail get jammed into your laptop?” Well the answer is quite easy!

usb nail

It’s just a USB drive. A design company in Denmark, Plankton, came up with this off-the-wall look. Would this change the definition of a “rugged flash drive?” Probably not, but it’s definitely a fresh twist on USB storage.

usb nail drive

Plankton is offering up the USB Nail for [about] $46 directly from their site. Continue Reading

Flexible USBee Drive Could Be Next Prototype to Hit the Streets

It’s probably fair to say most of use have damaged a USB drive while stuck inside a computer by bumping it, jamming it or stuffing it in via the wrong direction.  To reduce the possibility of damage and increase the life of your USB stick, designer Damjan Stankovic has come up with a flexible USB device.


The “USBee” is a new prototype design which includes a flexible neck just after the USB connector but still keeps the flash memory usable for data storage.  The USBee is shaped like a Bee and has thin wire between the USB connector and flash memory to provide flex under stress. It does look like a manufacturing nightmare, but hey, if we can build automobiles with robots, I’m sure we can string out some wire between point A and point B to make a flex drive. In addition, the tip has a rubber flap-back lid for quick access to the USB connector and quick protection for the USB connector.  Stankovic calls it the “lid-snap system.”  The USBee can also twist, turn and flex in any direction to save itself from your daily abuse. Continue Reading

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