
USB Solar Power Never Looked So Good

A solar powered Bonsai tree, who would have thought?  Vivien Muller did.  Her design takes each end-point of the Bonsai tree and turns it into a small photocell.

usb solar power

Methodshop coined this as photovoltaic panels, but I like the term photogalactic a little better.  The unit recharges a hidden battery beneath the tray – which happens to be the same place as the wires for your gadgets – so even re-charging can take place during the night.  Of course USB support for those USB gadgets we all love. As you can see, one could make a nice solor tree for their kitchen table or large office desk, but what if your space was a little more cramped?  Well, the USB solar Bonsai can be redesigned and shaped to any dimension of your liking.  It can spin, detach and rotate through small connectors.

usb solar bonsai tree

So how much is this ingenious device cost?  Not much right now, it’s just a prototype.  Since this looks like such a great product, lets hope someone picks up the production rights.  Wouldn’t you say Vivien? Continue Reading

Double A Battery Gives 15 Emergency Minutes of Power

IOGear releases their version of the USB battery, with the GearJuice Rescue charger.  What IOGear has done differently from other battery shaped USB solution, is make a miniUSB connector for cell phones, PDAs and other handhelds rather than the traditional full sized USB connector.

iogear gearjuice recharger

The unit is just larger than a double A battery and will provide your device with an extra 15 minutes of performance.  Just enough time to call the bails-bondsman after getting the late night lock down because of too much party’in. IOGear GearJuice Rescue Charger product page. Continue Reading

Power Plug Looks Real, But Only Charges Via USB

Power plug that charges USB style – I thought of this idea probably two years ago, no joke, but forgot about it just as quickly.  Well, yesterday I saw Technabob do a post about this exact concept – the power plug which charges via USB [from Eneplug].

power plug usb

As you may [or may not] know, USB will become the standard for cell phone charging.  I foresee USB branching out into other electronic gadgets as the main connectivity for juicing up.  So, this obviously means the power plug which charges via USB will only become more popular. I think it’s a great idea, because as time progresses we can all use only  a single power cord to charge any device.  [For now, lets forget about the fact manufacturers need to jump on board with my line of thought]. In addition, I would think any serious traveler would jump at a device like this.  Look at how small it is.  This is all you’d need to charge your cell phone, iPod, PDA and even your laptop. Eneplug is the company which makes this device and it’s currently available in Japan, but I see it coming over to the states in no time.  Shoot me an email if you see anything here – or I’ll update this when I find a US source. Speaking of Source:  Technabob. Continue Reading

Toshiba Sleep-and-Charge USB Concept – It’s a Winner

Irvine CA based Toshiba American (Digital Products Division) announced a newly designed Satellite laptop line with sleep and charge USB power concept…and we think it’s a winner.

sleep and charge usb

The sleep-and-charge USB concepts makes it possible to charge and power electronic devices connected to the laptop without the laptop being powered-on or in sleep mode. This is a simple yet revolutionary way USB power bus technology will begin working it’s way into our life.  With USB connectivity as the #1 method for peripheral connection to laptops and computers, the sleep-and-charge USB concept is brilliant.
 “Toshiba has long been a leader of innovation, and prides itself on creating solutions that make the digital lifestyle even better,” said Jeff Barney, vice president of marketing, Digital Products Division, Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. “With the development of the Sleep-and-Charge USB ports, Toshiba has developed an innovative technology that helps ensure that our digital products are ready for use at the moment we need them.”
As you know, the major shortcoming with today’s USB ports from either computers or laptops is the lack of power support while the host device is turned off. I have reported on USB surge protectors which do basically the same thing, but that requires more gear for a traveling business person, the sleep-and-charge is built into the host system. Continue Reading

How Good Are Bus Powered USB Devices?

usb bus powerHow good are bus powered USB devices?  That’s a good question and the answer depends upon the device and the application.  To start, let me summarize situations / products you could find problematic.  From here we can determine what & when “bus power” is best. Most problem situations are with USB devices which require a heavy load of power.  Products such as USB disc [hard] drives, external USB CD or DVD burners etc.  With these products you need a lot of power, if you don’t get it, you have problems.  If the power running through the USB cable (the USB bus) to your device is not enough good chance the product will fail.  Problems such as drive failures, burning CD coasters or repetitive USB disconnects during operation. With the larger USB hard drives coming out this is where you need to pay attention.  I would recommend against purchasing a “USB hard drive” where the drive itself runs from USB bus power. But lets say you’ve covered your bases and purchased a USB hard drive with an external power adapter – now we must consider the connection to your computer?  Many times I’ve heard users making the connection via their Continue Reading

Rechargeable Clip Light Has USB Back End

It’s called a USB rechargeable clip torch but I’m not sold on the term torch…sound like something needs to go up in flames. Rather, the rechargeable clip light uses a USB port on the back-end for juicing up during down time.
usb rechargeable light
The convenient and portable LED light comes with a couple different clips so attachment can be made virtually anywhere. At just $14 the rechargeable light also affordable for just about anyone. The LED light portion and USB connect portion do rotate a full 180 so it’s fairly easy to get optimal positioning…as with this book clip light illustration.
usb clip light
The recharge part is done in about 3 hours however no specs where given on how long the USB clip light stays…well…lit. Here is the USB rechargeable clip torch product page. Keep in mind Continue Reading

DIY Power Hub via USB

Reading an article from Crave, I realized the very obvious… I should have written about this topic months ago…maybe years ago. Turning a typical USB hub into a power center for all those electronic gadgets. The key is getting a USB hub that has a dedicated AC Power adapter which plugs directly into the wall. This way a stable supply of 5v will be streaming to all ports. You can grab a 4 port, 6 port or 7 port hub for only a few dollars.
The power hub via USB is a perfect illustration of the potential of such a setup: pretty much anything that accepts USB charging (iPods, Blackberries, cellphones, headsets, Xbox 360 controllers, and the like) should be compatible.
You should be able to power up non USB charging devices as long as they are Continue Reading

USB Surge Protector is Eco Friendly

So the USB Ecostrip is a kinda like a smart power strip for office peripherals and gadgets. The surge protector was designed to reduce energy waste. This is how it works:

usb ecostrip power strip

The USB Ecostrip plugs into the wall and the PC is plugged into the socket marked by the red arrow on the diagram. From there all other devices on the power strip are powered via the USB port connected from the surge protector to the PC. This way, when the PC is shut down all other devices are also shut down, such as your printer, scanner, modem and speakers.
“We set out to design a product that reduces energy waste, yet, allows distributors and retailers to profit from the new emphasis on this type of product,” said Bjarne Waedeled, President of Centritech Limited, Hong Kong, designer and producer of the Ecostrip. “And, because it functions like any other power strip, there is no education of the consumer required.”
The USB Ecostrip has been around since 2005 but has yet to make it into the US market. However, that’s all going to change fairly soon. USB Ecostrip Press Release Continue Reading

As We Expected – USB Will Rule Cell Phone Juice Connection

usb cell phone power connectorUSB will be the one standard for cell phone connections says the OMTP (Open Mobile Terminal Platform). microUSB that is. We reported about China making the same decision back in Dec of 06, and as we predicted the same standard would hit the US. Well, it did…so one more feather in our [GetUSBinfo] cap. China’s press release about the USB standard for cell phone connection was more direct. The recycling costs of different types of cables is too high, to standardize on a single USB charger connection means reduced costs for the manufacturer. In my opinion, a good decision like making USB the single standard benefits the consumer by having a universal plug (rare!) and it betters the environment with less cable crap. Reference: China sets standard for USB as cell phone charger connection. Continue Reading

Military Grade PDA

PDAs don’t make it into military applications because of glass on the display. PDAs don’t make it into military applications because battery life is too short. This is no longer true. InHand Electronics introduces a rugged low-power flex PDA (SFPDA) to withstand military environments and extended missions. This rugged PDA includes Ethernet, USB, Bluetooth, and keypad interface connections.
military grade pda
The non-glass flexible display not only reduces possibility of injury but reduces power consumption to display information. In conjunction with InHands power management software these PDAs will run for 6 continuous hours. 6 hours may not seem like a long time, but this spec is continuous hours, so it doesn’t include stand-by time or sleep mode. The new iPod touch barely gets 5 hours of video – and we know that claim doesn’t stand up to government specifications – so cut that in half. 6 hours is impressive. Some quick bullet points on the BatterySmart technology include:
  • Startup CPU Speed Adjustment – Automatically and dynamically adjust CPU clock speed based on the operating bandwidth requirements of your handheld device.
  • Advanced Idle Mode – Understand the differences in power consumption at 100MHz versus 400MHz.
  • Dynamic CPU Speed Adjustment – Determine the required computational bandwidth of your application software at different CPU clock speeds.
  • Performance-Tuned Core Software Drivers – Understand how battery life is affected by plugging in a PCMCIA peripheral?
  • Optimized Peripheral Software Drivers – Reduce both computational bandwidth and power consumption while connecting to multiple peripheral devices.
InHand didn’t publish a price tag for the Military PDA – who cares – get our guys what they need when they need it. Source: InHand via Engadget Continue Reading

Finally – A Well Designed Two Port USB Solar Charger

Brando yet again steps up with another useful product. The two port USB solar charger from Brando has all the features a road warrior, power hungry gadget guy (or gal) would need. Slick design with durable enclosure and plenty-o-connectors to power up any USB gadget you throw at it.
usb solar charger
Some notable specs include output voltage to 4.5v, 5.4v, 6.4v and 9v devices. The battery is lithium with 2000mAH of power.
usb solar charger connector
What GetUSB likes about this solar USB charger is the ability to charge up via three different sources. Solar – of course – as well as wall AC adapter (universal with 90-240v) and car power adapter as well. Put this all together with 7 different connector heads and you are covered. Just make sure the solar charger isn’t. As a closing note, the USB solar charger can power up two individual devices via the double on-board USB port design. Source: USB Solar Charger product page. Continue Reading

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