USB Fever is thinking outside the box on this one. Going away from standard box USB hubs, this hub is all cable. To continue along the lines of abstract thinking USB Fever includes a separate power cable to extract juice from the system bus solely for the purpose of powering up those peripherals.
So we are looking at one upstream USB connection, a 4 port USB hub held together by cables along with a dedicated power line (red cap) for those thirsty gadgets.
You should note, one of the four USB ports is a mini USB connection. All this for just $14 + $3 shipping.
USB Cable Hub product page
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What else would you need as the ideal desktop clock watching device other than the USB Fever Temp, Clock and hub gadget. Not only does the 4 port USB hub have a clock to insure you exit work at exactly 5:01pm, but you’ll get an accurate reading on temperature.
The USB hub clock includes data and alarm settings as to wake you from the mid-afternoon slumber after the fat turkey sandwich lunch.
The USB fever hub, clock, temperature thingy is $16 plus $3 shipping.
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With the exception of Mickey Mouse…is a mouse really that cute you need to make a million gadgets shaped like them?
Nope. But that doesn’t stop Brando. Here is a classic example. The USB mouse stands on four USB port legs. The legs can swivel around for easy connection, but even after a single device is connected the mouse wont stand…so what’s the point. Oh there isn’t one? OK.
Available in two colors of green or pink with high speed USB transfer rates you can add another animated animal to your drawer of crap for just $12.
USB Mouse by BrandoContinue Reading
Yesterday we spoke about the asterisk USB hub which solved a basic problem of USB ports being too close together. Today, Brando announces a new turnable USB hub which also address tight layout of USB ports found on most hubs. The turnable USB hub not only offers the ability to rotate 180 degrees for each connector, but Brando spiced it up with some flashy color. Making it easy to find that hub in your pile of papers, coffee cups and other desk junk.
Running through the rainbow colors you have a 4 port hub with one up-stream port. From purple, to red, orange, yellow and finally green.
It’s definitely a fun looking little hub which might double as a 1 year old twisty-turn toy. Price from Brando is $12.00 with a few more chips for shipping cost.
Brando Turnable USB hub product page.
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The Asterisk USB hub is one fancy looking device, too bad it doesn’t work. This is another design prototype from contempo designer Joel Escalona. What I like about this layout, besides the bright Ferrari red is the space between each USB port. Too often have I not been able to use all the ports of a USB hub, making it half as efficient as what it should be.
The issue I see with Asterisco hub (Asterisk hub) is how wide it would be if directly connected to a USB port. It would clearly block other ports to the sides, so an extension cord would be needed to make this ideal. Give and take I suppose.
If you are not familiar with Joel’s work, maybe you can jump over to view his USB bomb or USB furniture. Both are enjoyable to consider.
Joel – if you’re out there – has anyone picked these up for production?
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Here we see a Hershey’s bar style USB dock station which is great on creativity but short on functionality.
Judging from the picture it’s hard to determine what the LCD display is for as without an internal processor of some sort there is now way to parallel the drives or sort through the data which resides on them.
Now the modular look of the device is interesting and IF you could strip together the drives for a modular type hard drive there might be a buyer out there…somewhere. Even in that instance sharing data on multiple devices would prove useless if one of the UFDs was removed.
SO, given the concept design is seems nothing more extravagant than a USB hub with customized UFDs.
Continue Reading reported on the USB Engine Hub back in June ’07 from SolidAlliance and we scratched our heads on the reason why. Well the product is real (which we didn’t doubt) and below is a short clip of what the USB engine hub can do.
What we didn’t report on…or didn’t know at the time…is the USB engine also vibrates during operation. What is comical about this, and you’ll see it in the video, is the USB hub vibrates enough it could easily fall off your desk. So your USB hub could end up pushing your $1,500 DSL camera off the desk and onto the floor. Makes total sense.
Can’t see the video? Click for the YouTube link.
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USB Man is a man of mystery. I’ve got the picture but not the source [for buying]. The USB man takes the traditional USB hub and turns the USB ports into hands and legs. With a USB cable used to connect hub to PC, the USB man is buss powered…meaning it’s best used for small tasks such as copying files from a digital camera or UFD…not the best hub for larger jobs like using a USB hard drive as external storage. For those types of tasks, it’s best to get a dedicated power supply.
The USB man is 120mm x 102mm x 11 mm and costs about $32USD. I’ll post the source link when I find it.
Continue Reading is currently running a special on the Belkin wireless 5 port USB hub and I thought to share the tip. Right now you can get the $100 wireless USB hub at just $79. The discounted price requires a MIR for the cash-back $20.
Being able to reduce the amount of clutter in ones office, even by a cable or two, is always a noble cause. The Belkin wireless USB hub allows you to stream line your office and reduce the cable count by 5. Not bad I must say. Plus you get to share the love [wirelessly] with printers, scanners, network connections and digital cameras.
Using the wireless USB hub lets other computers on your network think a printer is directly connected to a PC, so instant and reliable access from any PC to a remote or introvert printer is np.You will need a router to make this bad boy work and transfer speeds will vary by environment and distance. But for $80 it’s worth giving this wireless thing a shot.
Belking Wireless Hub product page.
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Over the course of 2007 we have seen our share of jewelry USB drives, now we see vanity making it’s way into the market place. The new Lindy USB Mirror 57-in-1 Card reader and Mirror USB hub are now available for high tech connection and personal reflection.
Stephen Fawcett, Senior Product Manager states:
When we asked our development team to come up with a compact device we didn’t really expect them to literally deliver a ‘compact’. Fortunately, they didn’t include the powder in the spec. But it’s very handy for checking you haven’t left a bit of marmite on your chin or seeing what colleagues are up to behind your back.”
Unfortunately the Lindy website isn’t up to date with this press release, but GetUSB did find the card reader will go for 22.99 and the hub for 14.99 USD.
Source: Spanish GetUSBinfoContinue Reading
I couldn’t tell you how many times a USB hub wouldn’t let me plug in multiple devices because the connectors where too close. This USB cable hub from Brando solves that problem.
Four USB ports stream out from a central box which holds the USB hub controller chip for flexible and free USB connectivity.
The USB cable hub is fully compatible to the USB 2.0 specifications and plug-n-play for any OS. Price point starts at
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Poorly designed USB hubs can yield ports too close for connection of multiple devices. The USB 180° rotating hub from Brando set out to resolve this issue.
Of the 4 USB ports, one rotates 180° and the other three are well enough distanced apart to not pose a problem. In addition the upstream port (one connecting to PC) also rotates 180°.
In the event you are still cramped for style the USB hub ships with
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