The new standard for PC shooting games is the ACT Labs arcade light gun with deadly pixel accuracy. The sleek pistol connects via USB but also a TV version is available so you’re not left in the cold. ACT Labs’ latest technology works with non-CRT displays. The Sengital Gun senses the user’s gun motion and calculates the target point on the display.
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Nintendo confirmed their new console, Revolution, will have a USB port for expanded memory capacity such as USB flash drives and hard drives. With USB connectivity we now understand how Nintendo will compete with it’s drive toting rivals like PlayStation and Xbox.
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Nintendo recently unveiled a new WiFi USB connector as part of their latest attempt to release a line of Nintendo-branded wireless products. As soon as you insert this dongle into your PC (no Mac-compatibility at this time — bummer), a window will open to establish a link between it and your DS. After going through three option screens, you’ll be online. The dongle is jointly developed with Buffalo Technology, which will also release Nintendo WiFi Station access points to stores in Japan, to create instant DS “hot spots.” The WiFi connector dongle will go on sale in Europe in November for about ?30, though there’s no word on availability stateside. Source via GizmodoContinue Reading
The MERC is a full-sized keyboard with a game pad built onto its left side. To conserve space, the numeric keypad has been combined with the arrow keys and editing keys, which switch functions depending on whether or not the num lock is on. The benefits MERC offers is greater communication through an large keyboard (as compared to the smaller Zboard) and the versatility to go straight from day-to-day usage to gaming.
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This just might be the perfect gaming keyboard for those who need a keypad for First Person Shooter games. Armed with lots of features Cyber Snipa has improved directional ASWD keys, removable soft pad, cool blue undercase lighting, and 34 keys which can be mapped to the users preference. For just under $35 you could reach a new level of skill that traditional keyboards could not provide.
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The SanDisk Cruzer Crossfire is especially designed for the hardcore gamer. Running from the U3 platform a player can view interactive game content, save game levels, check out previews and launch games directly from the Crossfire. With Xbox 360 already having USB ports and Sony’s PlayStation 3 and Nintendo to follow in their next console release the Cruzer Crossfire can be used in a variety of ways.