If you have a geeky love one, the following NES USB storage cartridges might stike that cord to make a perfect Valentine gift. Etsy dealer 8BitMemory is doing a fantastic job of mod jobs for NES hard drives like the Zelda cartridge below:
Some live, eat and sleep SuperMario, or at least did when they where younger will enjoy this small USB flash drive cartridge:
Or for the hard cord geek who needs a boat load of extra storage you can pull out all the stops for this 1TB hard drive,
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Everyone loves a good USB missile launcher and Thanko has released yet another version. The first thing you will notice is the cosmetic change to look more like an Army missile launcher, but Brando reports hardware changes as well. The new missile launcher was retooled to have more power for longer distance and the software was updated to be less buggy.
As with all previous models, you get four foam missiles, software which controls the cannons up, down, left and right. You have the option to go into stealth mode and turn off the sound effects and of course, all this powered via USB.
Software includes support for Windows 7, although not sure about 32bit verse 64bit. Priced right at $36 + shipping.
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If you’ve been to this site before, you know we are a fan of USB Steampunk. We just received word there is a new kid on the block who’s doing some cool USB steampunk.
This design is coined “Steampunk Scorpion USB.”
WWWorks is the profile name over at Etsy and he’s done some nice work on his first release. What I like about the style of this design is the lack of gears you so commonly see with USB steampunk. Rather, WWWorks put some detail into the design on the brass.
So here is a bit of detail about WWWorks. Based in Budapest Hungary WWWorks is a computer IT guy by day and a craftsman by night. Trying to break away from the
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Yesterday we spoke about Elcom introducing a USB power strip and today we have USB Fever with a solar powered USB hub. We where very excited to hear about this product - as it seems to be a step up from the introduction from yesterday, and it’s got some great features, but unfortunately, the solar power charging system isn’t for the USB devices which are connected, but rather the built-in LED torch light [insert sad face here].
I understand it would take a fairly big solar panel to correctly power 4-5 devices connected to a USB hub, but it would be nice to see a trickle charge feature for anything connected. Like I said yesterday, in our house we have 3 iPhones, a Flip Video camera, two blue-tooth headsets and some other stuff, so a solar powered trickle charging USB hub would be nice.
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No one likes the dentist and it’s tough getter there twice a year like everyone should. So to help fight the war against plaque you can invest a bit of money into this USB toothbrush cleaning kit. Powered by UV light, the USB toothbrush cleaning kit will sanitize your brush while you’re out getting your teeth covered in sugar-bugs.
The UVmini [as they call it] comes in two models. A USB version and a USB + battery version. Obviously the second version is geared toward the germ-a-fobes who travel and uses a lithium battery which can cycle 10 cleanings. I would opt for the battery pack as keeping your toothbrush cleaning kit tethered to your computer’s USB port is a bit ridiculous [yet again, another reason to get a USB outlet kit].
We don’t have any price information as of yet but they should start hitting Pan-Asian vendors shortly. The rest of the world will have to wait a bit longer.
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It’s a bit complicated of a article title, but the point is this:Â It is now possible to put a paper thin USB key into a magazine ad to drive customers to your site.
This fresh approach to implement USB technology into marketing is extraordinary to say the least.
Now don’t misunderstand me, I’m not talking about a flash drive with storage, I’m talking about a “web key.”
A USB webkey is simply a device that auto launches your web browser to a specific web page. That’s it. But it’s incredibly powerful.
Now a major retailer or manufacturer can send a magazine reader directly to a webpage via a paper thin USB key. I’d try it just to see if it would work. I would try it just to see if there was storage on there [if I wasn’t a USB-super-geek].
The process is simple.
Step 1 – Open magazine and see the ad
Step 2 – Pop out the webkey
Step 3 – Connect it to a USB port on your PC
That’s it. Now your reader is on the web checking out your next greatest invention [Honda Unicycle]
To learn more about the USB webkey contact USBcopier.
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GetUSB has seen the Record to USB players from Ion Audio before and we’ve seen these filter into Costco, Wal-Mart and even Urban Outfitters, and now Thanko has joined the ranks with their new USB Record Player.
Granted, it’s not designed with the same conversion tools that Ion Audio has, but it does work with Windows Sound Record or Mac’s Garage Band, so conversion of vinyl to MP3 is totally possible. In fact, many might prefer their standard apps to do the conversion rather than deal with a 3rd party software package.
Either way, the Thanko USB Record Player is a nice addition to that old-school sound for just $100 bucks.
Thanko hasn’t released a US version yet, but you can get one now from Japanese retailers here.
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iLuv is showing their love to USB with this three port charger. Not only does it support multiple devices, it looks cool too.
iLuv put in a flip-out AC adapter so if the USB charger needs to be stored or thrown in a desk drawer it’s a bit more compact. Not much else to report about it other than a $20 price tag and available in Sep 09.
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These USB fish are rubberized drives giving them a very unique shape and bright, vibrant colors. I don’t think the typcial computer geek would appreciate these, but for someone a bit more into aquatic life these could be of interest.
First up:Â USB Swordfish
Louis Vuitton is getting into the designer USB flash drive market with their new Platinum series Damier Graphite USB key. This 4GB USB flash drive not only sports a good amount of storage, but a bit more stylish and trendy than your typical custom flash drive.
The Louis Vuitton USB stick comes with a platinum ring, a durable cord – much stronger than your typcial lanyard – and a carabiner that can attach the USB stick to your bag, cell phone etc.
The Damier Graphite collection includes matching accessories from Louis Vuitton such as belts, wallets, motorcycle keg and case for iPhone.
The USB stick is available for
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Not that we’d EVER see a USB device in Star Trek, but if we did, it might be a USB communicator like the one from Gadget4All. The Star Trek USB Communicator comes on the heels of the most recent release of Star Trek [May 8th]. The movie is a chronicle of the early days with James T. Kirk and his fellow USS Enterprise crew members.
“The Original Series” Replica USB internet phone plugs in and plays to allow users to transfer audio signals via USB. With built-in microphone and earphone, works with Skype, MSN, AIM, Ichat, etc. Includes built-in speaker with 21 different sound effects.
What sound effects you ask? Click the video to find out or drop $44 and experience it live.
Star Trek USB Communicator product page.
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Here is a great looking Steampunk Custom flash drive. The creator, Marcos, put a brass shell around the outside of this USB stick, then decorated the outside with miniature gears and watch components.
It appears Marcos took the USB cap and attached it to the end with some included brass gears and other Steampunk detail.
The custom flash drive uses a piston gear from the USB connector to the watch components as a representation of the power from the PC being transferred to the heart of the USB stick.
The 2GB steampunk custom flash drive is only $50, is 100% handcrafted and completely unique. There is limited stock, so if interested get on it.
The USB Steampunk can be found and purchased at Etsy.
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