
Virtual Laptop Protects Children Online With USB Bracelet

wihoodWiHood is a relatively new service which is the world’s first “virtual laptop” that protects children online [ anywhere & at all times] with the WiHood’s USB bracelet. The concept is ideal and it appears the user interface, setup and configuration is just as simple.  This is what WiHood is:  A USB bracelet which auto-launches a virtual desktop when connected to any computer.  The virtual desktop runs off the WiHood servers which monitor and update website, programs, virus etc 24/7 for a completely kid friendly computer system.

wihood usb bracelet

From personal experience, my kids have trashed my computer – by mistake of course – but it still took time and skill to restore my PC.  The WiHood USB bracelet eliminates this risk because a virtual desktop is all your child can use.  The other issue I have with my kids using “the parent’s PC” is constant maintenance to monitor website, filters and content.  With WiHood, that daunting task is automatically taken care of.
“WiHood protects children, saves parents from purchasing a new PC, and kids love that they have their own “virtual laptop” which stores their pictures, music, homework, etc. and can be worn on their wrist!”
The USB bracelet uses the internal storage to save files, folders, pictures, music etc…but those files are only accessed through the virtual desktop which runs off the WiHood servers.  This means your kids will enjoy all the performance of a PC with the security of a remote server running the underlining PC desktop. The WiHood is free to try and costs $49 for 6 months service or $100 per year.  Stack that cost up against purchase of a dedicated PC for the kids and the WiHood is the clear choice. Still interested.  Maybe some more information?  Check out the WiHood FAQ page.  Or their WiHood Virtual Laptop home page. WiHood was founded in August 2007 and has been honored to be awarded funding from Innovation Norway, a division of the Norwegian government providing capital to the most innovative companies in Norway. Continue Reading

USB Drive Ejector Software

I reported a while back on a product called Unlocker if you are having problems unlocking your USB drive from a Windows operating system. Today I bring you another package which does the same function; however, is easier to use. USB Drive Ejector is a simple utility which lists all USB devices on your buss and with a double click – you can unlock and eject the device.

eject usb drive

This is a great tool to have in case you’ve ran into:
  1. Cannot delete file, access denied
  2. Sharing violation
  3. Source destination file in use
  4. File is in use by another program, etc.
However, you should always proceed with caution when a stubborn drive wont eject. Sometimes…and I mean sometimes…there are reasons. Such as virus software scanning the memory device or Windows writing to the device in cache memory. These examples are far and few between so a couple of common sense activities might be in order, such as Continue Reading

U3 Software: NT File Recovery

ntfs file recovery softwareThere have been plenty of moments in my computer life I’d like to turn back time. Especially those Vista Upgrades or even the minor events like accidentally deleting files. For the last [mentioned] brain fart, there is some U3 Software which can help; NT File Recovery. The file recovery software is designed to recover any deleted file from a NTFS system. Many USB file recovery software packages only support files and folders, but this package includes support for getting back applications and media files such as wmv and mpeg files. Another point worth consideration, is the convenience of running the software from your U3 drive as to eliminate the risk of overwriting your data from the PC you’re try to salvage data from. This U3 application is absolutely free, and ready for the taking. U3 Software NT File Recover download page. Continue Reading

Hide Your Flash

Have you ever wanted to hide files on your computer or flash drive? I could think of several “categories” of data in which I’d like to hide from people around me. Of course I’m talking about valuable data such as passwords, financial records and the priceless contact list for network of publishers. Today I found a small utility called HideFlash 1.0 which does just what the name says. Hides your data on a UFD. The USB security software protects files and folders from others who are trying to view them without permission. What works for me with this package is not only do you have the 128bit encryption working for you, but the Hide Flash software also hides the files and folders it’s protecting. This means when a USB drive is plugged into any computer, the user wouldn’t even know there’s extra data.

hide flash security software

The USB security software remains hidden on any computer and invisible to even Continue Reading

Registry Analyzer for U3 Flash Drives

Albeit U3 claims no trace of U3 software remains on the host PC it doesn’t hurt to run a registry analyzer package just to make sure. While in the midst of doing this USB gadget research, I found the following free utility. Ntechnologies has a U3 specific reg analyzer to aid in the registry clean-up process.
u3 registry analyzer software
Whenever hardware or software is added to a PC there are registry changes. The registry also provides a window into the operation of the OS kernel, exposing runtime information such as performance counters, currently active hardware, software and utilities. Even using the U3 uninstall software might not leave your PC 100% clean. You can download the Registry Analyzer for U3 here. Continue Reading

Webster’s New World College Dictionary on USB

If I’m sending my kids off to college and they don’t know how to use the internet for spelling…well that’s money poorly spent. On the other-hand, it’s always nice to load up a flash drive with 140MBs of data so you can spell check on the fly. Wait…doesn’t every program, including Photoshop, include spell check these days? Ya I thought so. I’ve never understood the USB dictionary.

usb dictionary

Centon has the 4GB for $65 and 2GB for $43.  BUT I just found a similar USB Dictionary off Amazon for $36. Continue Reading

Open Cellar Ships on USB

Open Cellar is a wine software management program which is now available from BeWine Connected on a USB drive shaped like a wine bottle. The USB drive includes the Open Cellar software along with mobile phone ring tones, screensavers, wallpaper and a guide to the Grand Cru wine from Bordeaux.
usb wine bottle
The advantage with the novel Open Cellar software is understanding what a wine tastes like before making the purchase. In addition the Open Cellar software allows you to track, comment and classify the wine you like. Emmanuel Etcheparre told me via email:
…discover the secrets of a Bordeaux Grand Cru Classé from the heart of the Medoc and the registered designation Pauillac. Watch the renowned Michel Rolland taste some of the most recent vintages of Pontet-Canet.
The USB wine bottle is available for about $45. Check out the video for highlights:
[ev type=”youtube” data=”jdxCTdqtvpg”][/ev]
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MacFanBoy Gets Support from UPEK

The UPEK Eikon Digital Privacy Manager now supports Mac. But those PC guys didn’t make it that easy – you still need to download the Windows version than download the Mac version for a working “preview” version.
eikon supports mac
The Eikon USB finger scanners allows log-in during power-up, after awaking from sleep and can be further configured at the admin level settings. The UPEK offers all this from the swipe of a finger. The PC version of the Eikon Digital Privacy Manager started shipping earlier this year for $39.99 with the current Mac version available as beta with full suite to follow. Is that a PC in the background… Interested? Continue Reading

PStart – Your Custom Desktop Start Tray for USB Stuff

Is your UFD stuffed with portable applications? Do you find yourself constantly exploring the USB drive to launch your program? If so, forget about it. Use PStart. I while back I wrote an article about 55 Portable Applications to Make a Super Stick – well that list is nothing without the PStart tray tool. (PStart is apart of that list too).
Pstart is a simple tray tool to start user defined applications from their flash drive. Designed to run portable applications you can start anything without actually opening up and exploring your flash drive – do it right from your desktop tray. Of course Pstart is as portable as your applications and will work on any PC system. PStart has four useful tabs to help in your daily routine. Items, Search, Notes and Info. Here’s a break down: Continue Reading

U3 Software: UltraEdit Text Editor for Any Web Enthusiast

Sure Notepad is basic and free for a text editor, but if you’re a webmaster worth your salt, Notepad wont do. UltraEdit has been around for years and is now available to launch from your U3 flash drive.
u3 software text editor
Running UltraEdit U3 Software from a UFD is ideal because this powerful program installs once, doesn’t mess with registry files and is 100% portable. UltraEdit is a text editor and offers much more…
…configure it for your favorite preferences like syntax highlighting, code folding, basic or advanced menus/toolbars, add your macros, scripts, user-defined tools, and/or FTP/SFTP account information—all in a “digital briefcase” no larger than the size of a stick of gum.
The trial version is 45 days and full price of the software is $49. A small investment for the web guru. Grab the free trial at U3 headquarters or click the publisher IDM Computer Solutions. Not sure what U3 is? Read this. Continue Reading

IOCELL With U3 Like Launch Pad

IOCELL introduced their version of the U3 launch pad – I like the name better – very direct with “USB Computer.” U3 might have gotten more traction with that name.
iocell castella
IOCELL created a launch pad to provide the user with an easy-to-use interface for launching portable applications. Really, the same thing as U3, the difference being IOCELL gives you the ability to make any application portable for storing and running off your UFD.
COB technology
It appears IOCELL (like U3) uses a micro-controller (chip logic) to confirm the drive is a “USB Computer” version and thus launches the IOCELL interface without seeing the default Windows screen “What do you want Windows to do?” question. IOCELL is calling this COB Technology (Chip-On-Board). To get the IOCELL with COB Technology look for the Castella brand name. Available from 1GB to 4GB sizes. Looking to install U3 on a regular flash drive? It won’t happen and this is why… Source: IOCELL Continue Reading

U3 Software – Clean My Registry

A few days ago I posted 55 Portable Applications to Make a USB Super Stick, well this one should have been included. Clean My Registry by Smart PC is a free registry maintenance utility.
clean my registry u3
Clean My Registry is for Windows operating systems and ideal for loading on your U3 flash drive. A great house cleaning tool since the registry can get fragmented and cluttered with everyday use this is nice to have. Download the U3 Software Clean My Registry for free (2MB) Continue Reading

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