
USB Ban at DoD to Be Lifted?

USB ban at DoDLets face it, USB sticks are an everyday tool for doing business.  That’s why I was surprised to hear the ban on USB flash drives at the Pentagon back in November of 08.  However, I can see the security concerns they would have with the power a USB stick can behold. Today, we found out the ban will be lifted from the DoD in the coming months.
Robert Cary the CIO for the Navy states. “In the future, we expect that a government-owned and procured USB flash media that is uniquely and electronically identifiable for use in support of mission-essential functions on DoD networks will be permitted for use by authorized individuals,” Cary said in his blog. “The bottom line is, the days of using personally owned flash media or using flash media collected at conferences or trade shows are long gone. What we connect to our home PCs is very different from what is and will be allowed to occur on DON [Department of Navy] networks.”
This policy is more in line with what I’d expect from the military and devices like the Encryptakey I would think become a staple at locations like the Pentagon. Source:  DarkReading. Continue Reading

USB Silent Keystroke Recorder

USB key loggerHere at we are a fan of the USB key logger technology.  After all, what better way to find out what employees, girlfriends and such are doing with their spare time.  Especially with all the social network, it’s important to know what is, or is not, being said about you. We have reported about USB key loggers before, but this one is especially nice with the old school PS/2 connector.  Great for the older machines. The device comes with 2MB of internal memory, but check it often as that amount of space will be filled quickly. Pricing is a bit different depending on the connection type you need.  $60-$75. Here is the USB key logger product page. Reminder from UberGizmo. Continue Reading

USB IceBox by Windows

The Windows IceBox is an interesting little tool.  It’s a software program which runs from a USB stick that locks down partitions on your hard drive.  The concept is that you lock down partitions on your hard drive so that other users, like your kids, don’t get in there and start accidentally deleting important files, registry entries, uninstalling software,etc.

USB Windows IceBox

The USB Windows IceBox includes recovery software for your hard drive and has the ability to block virus software or malware programs from getting into your computer. From my perspective, it’s a nice little tool, but if you have the smarts to partition up your hard drive, you probably have the smarts to create multiple users as well.  See the USB Windows IceBox will lock down your partitions when you walk away [certain amount of idle time] but you can do the same thing with User Login priveleges.  Just don’t give your kids Continue Reading

USB Hard Drive Case With Biometric Encryption

So here is a sweet little deal I stumbled upon at USBFever.  For $27 you can get a USB hard drive case with biometric fingerprint encryption scanner.

USB hard drive biometrics

Given how cheap USB hard drives are these days, it’s easy to have them become your backup device of choice.  Well, if you’re like me, chances are you are backing up the QuickBooks or MAS90 accounting programs which need a bit more security.  It would be bad enough to lose your portable hard drive, so at least protect it with your fingerprint. The USB hard drive case with biometric encryption supports the IDE / USB 2.5″ hard drive sizes along with plug & play insertion and removal. The fingerprint biometrics supports all Windows platforms, but not Mac.  So if you’re about to drop $15-$20 for an external case, pay just a couple bucks more and get the USB encrypted version. Continue Reading

Personal USB Swipe Credit Card Reader

USB smartswipe You personal security for on-line shopping has finally arrived.  No more malware keylogging your credit cards, pins and CID number.  With this personal credit card swipe machine you are very secure to buy all that gadget crap off eBay. SmartSwipe is the first to introduce this brilliant product.  What the USB swipe credit card machine does, is read the mag strip, encrypts the data and sends it Continue Reading

USB Copy Protection vs. USB Encryption

There are some fundamental differences between USB copy protection and USB encryption to files on a flash drive.   I have seen many companies confuse and muddy the terminology between the two.  It’s time to clear things up and explain the difference.

In short; USB copy protection secures a file or set of files so they cannot be copied – thus copy protection.  USB encryption scrambles the source files so they cannot be read unless you decrypt them.  Take a moment and think about this…there is a BIG difference.

USB encryption

Encryption is the process of scrambling files and data so they cannot be accessed unless a password or key is supplied to reassemble the content and put everything back together.  This process is known as decryption.

The fundamental use for USB encryption is to protect files and data in the event the USB stick is lost or stolen.

Where encryption and USB copy protection differ is with “encryption” once you have the password you can

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Cigarette Lighter As USB Spy Camera

So what are some basic elements you need to overcome to use the USB spy camera packed up as a cigarette lighter?  First, you need to be someone who smokes…or looks like someone who smokes.  It wouldn’t be easy to use this product on your friends, if they know you don’t smoke.  Second, you need to be willing to let the world know you’re a smoker.  This probably isn’t a big deal for most people in the world, but being from California, it’s something no one approves of.

usb cigarette lighter

So if you’ve gotten past the stigma, then the cigarette lighter spy camera is a viable option to bust your best friend, wife or boss with suspicious activity. With 2GB of built in memory, you’ll never have a shortage of memory for audio or video surveillance.  In addition, the video quality is fairly good at 640 x 480 pixels and a respectable 16 frames per second [respectable given the size of the device at just 5.3 x 3.7 x 1.2 cm].  Once your mission is complete, and you feel something good was caught on tape, simply download the content via USB and make your case. Continue Reading

No BS – Self Destructing USB Flash Drive By Fujitsu

Don’t get too excited, the flash drive doesn’t blow up and take everyone with it, nor does it spit out harmful bio chemicals for mass destruction.  Rather, the Fujitsu USB flash drive will self destruct using a much less flamboyant method…it will erase itself.

self destructing usb drive

The drive is a prototype design whereby the internal workings include a processor and battery and after a certain amount of time, the data on the stick will erase itself.  Or self destruct. But just incase this method is a bit too hard-core, Fujitsu has an alternate method for data protection.  The second method includes an auto erase feature if the USB flash drive is used to copy files to an unauthorized workstation or server.  Using the Fujitsu re-direct software as the backbone, it can prevent data from  being uploaded to file-sharing networks, sent as e-mail attachments, or printed, according to Fujitsu. Since this is just a prototype you’ll need to wait a bit longer, but for those who are impatient, knows of one flash drive which already offers USB Copy Protection.  The drive will also Copy Protect PDF files, flash, MPG and a host more multimedia files. Continue Reading

How To: TV Spy Remote To Wreak Havoc

So lets clarify exactly what I’m talking about here…a TV spy remote is a device that allows you to control someone else’s TV without being around, thus wreak havoc in their life.  After all, what could be more upsetting then turning off the TV at your neighbors house during American Idol or watching Jack Bower kick a$$ in 24?  I don’t think there is a greater pleasure. Since you can’t buy a TV spy remote at or Amazon, or anywhere else, check out this TV Spy Remote tutorial I found at Instructables.

tv spy remote

The tools and materials you need could be found anywhere, as this hack was done at a college dorm room and you know those kids have not $$ or resources. Required materials include: Continue Reading

One Touch USB Backup By Corsair

Corsair put an interesting twist on backup technology.  They have devised a one touch USB flash drive backup adapter.  The adapter has a female USB port sitting on the top of the device.  This is where you can plug in any flash drive.  The adapter then connects to your PC via miniUSB cable.

corsair usb backup

At this point, the USB backup adapter is ready to suck information off your PC and stuff it onto your flash drive, with the push of a single button. Of course you need to set some configuration options in the NovaBackUp software, but once set – you’re ready at any moment.
“Our research indicated that over 80% of users have a My Documents folder of less than 64GB, and more than 85% need to regularly transport less than 64GB of data between different PCs. This shows that USB flash drives are an efficient method of backing up your data, and with high-capacity USB flash drives, there is still plenty of room for your favorite music, photos and even movies,” said Jim Carlton, Corsair’s vice president of marketing.
This is also an excellent marketing tool to encourage users to break away from their 2 year old 1GB drives and saddle up for a larger 16GB, 32GB or 64GB flash drive. I for one, am a lazy backer-upper and a device like this might encourage me to be more vigilante about data backups. The Corsair USB backup adapter has an MSRP of $35. Corsair product page. Continue Reading

Estimated 9,000 USB drives Lost or Left at Laundry Mat

lost usbA recent study was just released that suggests over 9,000 USB drives are left, lost or forgotten at laundry mats.  The study was done to show consumers how easy it is to have valuable information fall into the hands of a stranger. Even on our best day, accidents happen.  A similar study was done with PDA and cell phones left in taxi cabs.  That number is close to 6,200 per year. Given this information and each of us knowing we are not perfect, it is wise to put some encryption on your USB drive or password protect the device.  Many times the manufacturer will supply a utility free with the device…don’t try and format it off, rather use it!
David Porter, head of security and risk at Detica, explained that there was only so much that experts and computer systems could do to thwart identity fraud. According to Porter, final responsibility rests with the consumer. “Identity fraud attacks succeed largely because of human fallibility; however there are simple steps that people can take to avoid being caught out by fraudsters,” said Porter.
So take a moment and protect yourself from the accidents of everyday life. Continue Reading

SanDisk Gives MacFanBoy Love With Secure Flash Drive

The Mac users usually get the short end of the stick when it comes to software and hardware support for the Mac OS.  Most products and applications are specifically design for the Windows user, knowing this is the largest install base of computer owners.  However, the tide is shifting.  I’m not sure if the popularity of the iPod and iPhone are the sole reason, or if users are just tired of the buggie OS of Windows but Mac computers are popping up everywhere.  Friends, work, school – well always school – and even my grandparents house.

usb encryption mac

Today SanDisk is giving the Mac Fan Boy a bit of love.  SanDisk introduces the first secure flash drive which fully supports operation under the Mac OS.  The SanDisk Cruizer Enterprise is a USB stick that may be used on either a PC or Mac and has the full ability for data encryption of the drive.  With a friendly user interface, the owner can unlock files and data on the stick for using and sharing.  Once the drive is locked down or disconnected the encryption is back on. Continue Reading

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