Buffalo is rolling out an all new USB Blu-Ray player for your laptop. What is particularely interseting about this offer is the forward thinking support for the 3D format.
Buying for the upcoming formats doesn’t come cheap, the new Buffalo USB Blu-Ray player has a list price of $350. For that price, many will consider getting an all new laptop with Blu-Ray…although it might not have 3D support.
The Buffalo portable player is part number BP3D-PI6U2-BK and measures 137- × 147- × 20mm. The device is currently available in Japan, but will lander later this month in the US.
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Buffalo is the 2nd company to announce a SuperSpeed USB 3.0 external hard drive. Although anyone can make the claim, we know the players who mean what they say. Buffalo always delivers so we are anxious to get the green light on purchasing…the DriveStation by Buffalo is the fastest USB hard drive on the market [or will be] with transfer speeds over 125MBs/second. WOW.
According to USB-IF, Buffalo HD-HXU3 will be powered by Fujitsu MB86C30A USB 3.0 to SATA IC.
If Buffalo’s current DriveStation series is any indication, Buffalo will likely use the Fujitsu IC’s AES USB encryption engine, and ship with some version of Memeo’s AutoSync backup software. Also launched is a USB 3.0 card to take advantage of the new SuperSpeed USB mode. Buffalo will initially ship the USB 3.0 drive in 1TB, 1.5TB and 2TB sizes and include the add-on card. You can expect the USB 3.0 hard drive from Buffalo to ship in Asia and UK markets by end of Q4 and the US by early 2010.
Source:Â EverythingUSB.
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Buffalo introduces their VH-MU01 USB phone for Skype and MSN chat so you can drop those headsets if you have a complex. The Buffalo USB phone looks like a slim design with easy button navigation. Any asstute reader will quickly realize there is no LCD or display for the phone. Well, if you’re looking to get into USB phones for home or work, don’t let the lack of display worry you.
These phones are designed to work with software like Skype where the software on your computer provides the visual display you need. So as you click the touch pad of the USB phone the action shows up on your Skype software.
This type of USB phone makes using on-line VoIP more like the traditional phone. However, if you just can’t part with the land-line setup than you should consider the MagicJack phone. The MagicJack is a USB dongle which connects to your computer and on the other end of the dongle is a traditional phone connection. Simply connect your good’ol phone to the dongle and you’re talking over VoIP.
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Buffalo just put the call to action for SanDisk, Western Digital and the like for the world’s largest portable hard drive, the MiniStation.
I’m a big fan of portability. I’m a big fan of storage space. And I’m going to need to get some serious work-on to fill up the 300GB hard drive in addition to my standard 120GB HHD of my laptop. Not to say, I wouldn’t turn down some extra space.
The Buffalo USB MiniStation (HD-PS320U2) is just over $300 and comes with Buffalo’s 256-bit AES encryption security software and Memeo’s autobackup utility. After all, out of 300GBs there has got to be something worth saving.
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Buffalo figured out a way to turbo boost USB 2.0 to claim increased transfer speed of up-to 60%.
So what’s the deal? Buffalo gives no detail to this increased performance and makes a broad statement about Windows and Mac compatibility for the two new USB Turbo products, the MiniStation and DriveStation.
I would figure Buffalo addressed power issues as many USB devices have poor power management which directly effects performance.
The Buffalo MiniStation with Turbo USB is a portable storage device designed to withstand durable environment such as bumps, drops and turbulence (what?) you’d experience in everyday life.
The Buffalo DriveStation with Turbo USB is a tower configuration ideal for home or office and includes a 7200 RPM SATA drive with Turbo USB enhancements.
The MiniStation has a price range of $99 to $250
The DriveStation has a price range of $130 to $500.
Buffalo Turbo USB information page
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GetUSB.info has seen our share of bizarre flash drives – from Chewbacca to Stitch to Watches – but today we bring you 19 rediculous flash drives we found from over seas. Some of you wouldn’t be caught dead with these on your person, others just might want to buy a container full. Below is my list – not in any particular order – along with a link to the manufacturer in case one catches-ur-eye or tickles-ur-fancy. Enjoy.
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Tis the season for card readers…yesterday we had the latest from Kingston for the MobileLite announcement, now Buffalo introduces their latest line up – the MCR-A28 USB card reader.
This USB card reader supports 30 card types and most notably the new SDHC and Memory Stick Pro format – which are not backward compatible with other card readers which previously supported SD and Memory Stick.
Since the Kingston MobileLite is a 9 card reader focused on mobile memory cards, if you need something with a wider range of support YET still compact in size, the Buffalo USB card reader makes our short list.
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One year ago, almost to the day, IOCell introduced the self proclaimed “World’s largest capacity flash drive” at the CeBIT 2006 show. Today, you can find 16GB flash drives from Transcend, US Modular and Pretec, so why is the Buffalo 16GB announcement of interest? Well, it uses Silicon HDD Technology.
Silicon hard drives are different then normal hard drives in that no magnetic discs are present, rather the data is stored in silicon memory. How the silicon (HDD) hard drive works is by
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Gadgets Monkey tipped us about this one – Buffalo of Japan has limited edition USB flash drives. Buffalo is finally getting past the simple silk-screen and going with molded statuettes. The limited edition figurine collection (only 5000 to be made) is comprised of Mickey Mouse taking the helm, Winnie the Pooh, doing what he does best – eating, and Stitch getting loose on his surfboard.
Available only in Japan sometime in February you’d better make the jump if you’re looking to A) buy some because you’re a Disney freak or B) looking to make a quick buck from an eBay addicted Disney fan.
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Press Release:GetUSB.info Summary: The USB Flash Drive Alliance is officially standing behind “smart” drives where 3rd party applications run directly from a USB flash drive or UFD. This endorsement along with the strong momentum of flash drives in general will surely cement the long term staying power of USB as a preferred bus technology.
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4 + 4 is 8 and Buffalo used this equation to formulate their latest USB flash drive, the RUF2-R-S. Without confirmation GetUSB.info suspects Buffalo stuffed two 4GB flash chips into their thumb drive to push the limit of UFDs as the leading memory developer and patent holder on Flash Drives, M-Systems, has not announced an 8GB capacity memory module.
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DriveStation from Buffalo is their new entry of SATA via USB 2.0 entry into the market. Some key features include, auto power On/Off with PC bootup, Secure Lock Ware is software to protect the IP on the drive, a fast 7,200rpm speed, fanless design and stackable configurations to maximize storage while minimizing space.
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