Today, a team of engineers will be recognized at the Computer History Museum for designing the first microprocessor in 1971, a 4-bit parallel CPU with 2,300 transistors. That project, from an infant Intel [3 years old], was a huge achievement and one can honestly say “it changed the world.” The Intel 4004 was the first […]
Intel is making an interesting marketing move these days with positioning the “Father of USB” as one of Intel’s best performing “Rock Stars.” You have may have seen the Intel commercial I posted several weeks ago. You may have seen that same commercial on TV [as I did] and now we have Ajay Bhatt, the […]
It’s not often you can merge the terms USB and Rock Star together. I can’t picture one scenario…but Intel can – and did. Here is their 20 second promo on USB technology. Funny, classic funny. Source: DailyCupOfTech.
Update: This post has been amazing and generated a lot of interest. To make things easier, I have compiled a USB Super Stick for you. If you are interested in a 1GB drive with all the apps [below] for $20 – shoot me an email: gmo<at> and I’ll send you more details. USB flash is […]