Microsoft has not made an official announcement on why the option to format FAT32 is no longer available for devices 64GB in capacity and above. In both Windows 10 and Windows 11 the format option given by Windows is either NTFS (New Technology File System) or exFAT (Extended File System). The option to format FAT32 […]
If you have a greyed out USB flash drive this article should be able to help you resolve the issue. The most common reason is the USB flash drive has a different file system and you simply need to format the drive. For example, Ext3, Ext4 or HFS are file systems for Linux and Mac. […]
Using the command prompt (cmd) you can quickly and easily get the USB volume serial number and the USB device serial number. There is no computer experienced needed to perform these functions, simply type a couple letters and you will get the information! To get the USB Volume Serial Number do the following: Insert USB […]
It is not difficult to get some premium functionality from Roku TV like pause and rewind by simply adding a USB flash drive to your setup You will need to configure the Roku TV and the flash drive to work together, but it’s not hard to do. To get close to 90 minutes of pause […]
This article will help you view Linux files on a flash drive when connected to a Windows 10 computer. This is a more common problem than one would think. As of 2020 the percentage of computers running Linux is 25%. With this in mind, there is a good chance you will receive a USB flash […]
Today, like never before, individuals are working from the home office. Working in an favorable situation is decent and beneficial and I think this is why so many love the home office. As favorable as things may be; now and again the home office doesn’t have a computer gear to carry out the responsibilities required. […]
Why is my USB name always CAPS? The reason is fairly simple. You also have the option to make your USB name or USB volume name upper and lower case. The all CAPS of a USB name is due to your flash drive being formatted as FAT or FAT32. Windows will not allow FAT or […]
Whether you’re formatting an internal drive, external drive, or USB flash drive, Windows makes it possible to choose between NTFS and exFAT formats. In this guide, we’ll go over the simple steps to formatting a USB drive and which format is best for certain situations. exFAT is a file system optimized specifically for flash drives. […]
There are two ways to make a USB stick read only. One method will make the USB read-only in anything it is connected to, so you could say this is a universal way of making a flash drive write protected. The other way is a PC specific solution where some registry edits are required to […]
There are some fundamental differences between USB copy protection and USB encryption to files on a flash drive. I have seen many companies confuse and muddy the terminology between the two. It’s time to clear things up and explain the difference. In short; USB copy protection secures a file or set of files so […]
Remove Read Only USB – Remove CD-ROM USB Partitions If you are like me, you’ve done a great bit of searching on the internet to remove Read Only USB partition or to remove CDROM USB partition, and unfortunately the information is very scarce and the information which is out there, isn’t very clear and direct. […]
I’ve had Swiss Army knives on my keychain for years, it’s come in handy on many occasions. Recently I always seem to have a USB flash drive in my pocket too. When I received the SWISS MEMORY USB Victorinox drive from Swissbit it was obvious that combining the two was actually a very good idea. […]